Pavan R

Children Stories


Pavan R

Children Stories

The Fantasy World Part 1

The Fantasy World Part 1

2 mins

Once upon a time, there was a village that had many superpowers.

But the government said it is also dangerous to get into the village, 

because the village people hate outsiders trespassing in their village.

Brave soldier Rohit said he is going there to meet his aunt.

He advised the people to let him into their village. His aunt came and said to the people, "Let him in". He won't do any harm to our village, said Aunt. So the villagers let Rohit in. They were chatting when was Rohit looking at the beauty of the village. His aunt said him, he should not tell anything to outsiders about their village. Did he ask, why?

His aunt said they were trying to get all their resources. So he promised his aunt that he won't tell anything about his aunt's village, even if they kill him. His aunt was also scared, if they find out, then he will be in trouble. So she said, Rohit to quit his job there and find a job in his aunt's village. So he did it and while on his way home, he spotted a dragon and he got scared.

The dragon was looking at Rohit. His aunt came and stopped the dragon from killing Rohit with her powers.

The dragon remained silent and flew away. Rohit asked, "How did you do it?" His aunt said it is a friendly dragon and won't hurt any

people inside the village, but it will try to kill people who came from other places. One week later, he found a job.

His aunt was so happy. When Rohit came to work, every people chatted with him to tell him about the place where he lived and chit chatted. 

He did his work and he came to his aunt's home. He saw outsiders coming and destroying their village. The brave Rohit fights with

them and the dragon was also fighting with an evil dragon. The good dragon needs help and is injured. So Rohit jumped and pokes it on the 

evil dragon eye and killed it. The villagers were very happy and made him the mightiest soldier and gave him powers too.

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