KKsaradhi2 S

Children Stories Fantasy Children


KKsaradhi2 S

Children Stories Fantasy Children

The Gang Of Spiders

The Gang Of Spiders

2 mins

Long ago there was a gang of spiders, there were 20 families, each family had 2 members. They lived in a human’s house. But every day the people lived in that house demolish the web of all spiders. This happened every day.

One day the gang had a meeting, and the boss of the gang said we can’t live in this house anymore so let’s go to a new house.

But even in that house they steeped all the webs every day. So they decided to move to a new house. 

But the same thing happened. So the boss said I can’t take this any more we have to build our webs somewhere else.

A lady in that gang said I know a area where no humans live we can build our webs there. The boss said it’s a great idea.

So all the spiders built their webs in that area, all the spiders lived very happily.

After a few months it was the breeding season. As all the lady spiders laid eggs. After a few weeks all the baby spiders hatch.

As all the baby spiders grow, the webs did not have enough space.S o all the spiders said this problem to their boss.

So the spider boss called all the spiders for a meeting and said we can’t live like this so wait for a month I will build new webs for all of you , which will be larger than the web you are living right now. So all the spiders wait for a month. And after a month the spider boss said it’s ready, you all can move now. After hearing this all the spiders were jumping and dancing.

And all the spiders went to their new webs and lived happily ever after 

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