Anushri Singh

Children Stories Fantasy Children


Anushri Singh

Children Stories Fantasy Children

The Green Door (Part - 3)

The Green Door (Part - 3)

2 mins

Before reading this part please go through part- 1 and 2

 While she was engrossed in her thoughts, her great-grandaunt gave her a plain dress with a smile...

I don't like this dress, it is too boring and too bigger! said Lisa

what do you mean by, it's too boring? I find your dress a bit snowy. if you want to stay here, this how you will have to dress up. And.. wear these shoes...said her aunt Peggy 

These? They are wooden, don't you have soft leather or rubber or satin shoes? said Lisa

What! you are saying strange things...What are you even talking about? Now get dressed and come down, else mother will be pretty.

Lisa had no options but to wear that too-big-ill-fitting dress. And how her feet hurt to wear those wooden shoes! When she limped downstairs and saw food...

What is this now? said Lisa 

Oh! it is a corn porridge...can't you recognize it? said that women 

But, I...I don't like it. 

Well, this is all you are to get here. It is your wish whether you want to eat or not. And after lunch, you girls better get on with the spinning, you too. said that women.

But I don't know how to spin.

Aah! Huh! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO SPIN ? have you learned nothing in your life?

Peggy! show her how to spin, will you?

yes, mother!

And Lisa was taught how to spin and make her own clothes. Then there were huge stone kitchens on an oven with blazing fire. It would get hot and suffocated for Lisa. Also, they had to do their own cleaning and washing. OH! how poor Lisa missed her home, how she longed for some cabbage soup she hated and wear the same dresses she despised... One day as she was cleaning the attic of the house, she found a curious box exactly like the one in her home...She opened it and saw the same kind of key with a green ribbon...


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