Yokes L

Fantasy Inspirational Children


Yokes L

Fantasy Inspirational Children

"The Knight" -Whose Name No One Is Ever Gonna Know

"The Knight" -Whose Name No One Is Ever Gonna Know

2 mins

Haridwar 1997, a kid named Vignesh is visiting all the temples with his family on a spiritual tour. After waking up at morning 4 am and visiting temples one by one, by noon their hunger gets victorious and they settle down to have lunch. while having lunch the kid gets an urge to use the restroom and since the restaurant didn't have a restroom the server boy took him to the next street and shows a spot and leaves him behind. In all this commotion the family finally finds the kid missing and starts to search everywhere inside the crowded restaurant. Meanwhile, the kid after relieving nature's call realizing that he is lost and he doesn't remember the way back starts to feel nervous yet he somehow starts walking in the direction he came by earlier. On the way, he meets a rickshaw puller who notices the kid alone and enquired why he is wandering on the main road alone and the kid tells the whole story of how he ended up there. Now the rickshaw puller pulls the rickshaw slowly and moves along with the kid asking him to look at each restaurant on the road and recognize which one his parents were in. The search went on for half an hour sweating in the scorching sun on a summer day and they came to the end of the street yet the rickshaw puller was determined to find the kid's parents so he once again strolled through the same street checking each restaurant on the other side. By this time the kid's family finally came out to the street to search for the missing family member whom they failed to notice while filling their stomach. finally, the kid noticed his parents and called them aloud, by this time a huge crowd had gathered in that street the parents crossed the road and took the kid, proceeded to thank and give some money to the rickshaw puller but he just said "take care of the kid" and without even waiting for their gratitude turning back he went to proceed with his work. the kid saw the knight, a silent protector who stood by him slowly disappear whose name he will never know.

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