Mishthi Gupta

Romance Tragedy


Mishthi Gupta

Romance Tragedy

"The Last Letter"

"The Last Letter"

4 mins

Anna had always loved writing letters. She enjoyed the feeling of putting her thoughts and feelings on paper and sending them to someone who cared. She had a pen pal since she was eight years old, a boy named Leo who lived in another country. They had never met in person, but they shared everything through their letters. They talked about their dreams, their hobbies, their families, their fears, and their hopes. Anna and Leo grew up together, through their letters. They supported each other through hard times and celebrated each other's achievements. They became best friends, even though they were miles apart. They promised to meet someday when they were old enough and had enough money. But that day never came. When Anna was 18, she received a letter from Leo's mother. It was the last letter she ever got from him. It said that Leo had died in a car accident, a week before his 19th birthday. He had been on his way to the post office, to mail a letter to Anna. He had written it the night before, and it was in his backpack when the crash happened. Anna felt like her world had collapsed. She cried for days, unable to believe that Leo was gone. She blamed herself for not being there for him, for not telling him how much he meant to her, for not fulfilling their promise to meet. She felt like she had lost a part of herself. She wanted to read his last letter, but she didn't have the courage to open it. She kept it in a drawer, untouched and unopened, for years. She couldn't bear the thought of reading his final words, knowing that he would never write to her again. She tried to move on with her life, but she never forgot Leo. He was always in her heart, and in her mind. She never found anyone who understood her as he did, who made her feel so alive and happy. She never stopped missing him. One day, when Anna was 28, she decided to open his last letter. She felt like it was time to face her past, and to honour his memory. She took out the envelope from the drawer and held it in her hands. She felt a surge of emotions, as she recognized his handwriting on the front. She took a deep breath and tore it open. She unfolded the letter, and read it with tears in her eyes.

It said:

"Dear Anna,

I don't know how to start this letter. I have so much to say to you, but I don't have enough words. I guess I'll just say what's in my heart.

I love you.

I've loved you since the first letter you sent me when we were eight years old. You were so sweet and funny, and you made me smile. You were the first person who made me feel less alone in this world.

I've loved you more with every letter you sent me, as we grew up together. You were so smart and brave, and you inspired me. You were the first person who made me feel like I mattered in this world.

I've loved you with all my heart, even though we never met in person. You were so beautiful and kind, and you touched me. You were the first person who made me feel loved in this world.

You are my best friend, my soulmate, my everything.

I'm sorry I never told you this before. I was afraid of losing you, of scaring you away, of ruining our friendship. I was afraid of not being good enough for you, of not being able to make you happy.

But I can't keep this secret any longer. I have to tell you how I feel before it's too late.

I'm going to the post office tomorrow, to mail this letter to you. And then I'm going to buy a plane ticket, to come see you. I've saved enough money for this trip, and I've arranged everything with my parents and my school.

I'm coming to meet you, Anna.

I want to see your face, hear your voice, and hold your hand. I want to hug you, kiss you, tell you how much I love you.

I want to make our dream come true.

Please wait for me, Anna.

Please don't forget me.

Please love me back.

Yours forever,


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