Monika Pal



Monika Pal


The Last Promise

The Last Promise

3 mins

On Feb 7th,2019 at 7:30 A.M morning a phone call ranged and my Mom picked up the call.

Nurse on the side:

Hello, Ma'am, I am Sister Sushma calling from Hospital, your husband's condition has started to deteriorate, please come soon as soon as possible.

She rushed towards the bedroom, crying in pain, lifted our Gurudev's photo, and while holding the photo, she said:

"No, it's impossible. He can't leave me and my children. You have to save him. He can't break his promise and leave us alone in the middle of the journey of life."

She broke down and sobbed in pain while holding my hands, saying that we have to reach the hospital quickly as your dad's health had given up. I tried to calm her down and said believe in God, nothing's wrong will happen. My heart was pounding as we reached the hospital

My maternal uncle held my hands tightly and said, "Doctors have tried their best but they couldn't save your dad".I thought for a while that it was a bad dream but I couldn't believe that in reality, he is no longer with us.

My complete world turned into darkness. My dad couldn't keep his promise and left us alone in this cruel betrayal world. I still remember the last day when he was on his death bed, holding my hands tightly and trying to say that he failed to keep his promise of seeing me as a beautiful bride but his body failed to stay back.

I thought for a while that it was a dream and I was dubious. I was hesitant to accept the fact that he can leave us so early. A promise means everything, but hurts more when it is broken. My dad promised me that he will be there every time throughout our life. Our life without his presence had become worse. The promise is the belief between the two persons whom they love the most.

Still today, I am desperately waiting to hear his voice, his pampering, his guidance while taking each step ahead in my life. He may fail to keep our promises but I am proud to be his daughter. He never compares us with sons as he knows that daughter and son have equal rights.

He usually never breaks his promise. He did cross every limit to accomplish all the promises he made to his daughters and his wife but he failed to keep the promise of getting recovered soon for us. A promise is not a simple word, it's a trust which makes a relationship strong and fruitful. On the very evening, early February 6th,2019, I was unaware that I am giving him a promise, the last promise that after him, I am only responsible to take care of his beautiful wife and his nutty puddle and guide her whenever she needs, He held my hands very tightly and was tongue-tied with slurry speech, We could only exchange our words through our body language and our heart.

With weepy eyes, he told me for the last time that he loves me very much. My heart wrenches when I try to recollect these last moments with him.

I could realize how much we both were connected that his last words which he tried to relay by holding both of my hands still reverberate in my ears.

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