Anushka Mathur



Anushka Mathur


The Lovers Paradise

The Lovers Paradise

7 mins

Love for me was a foreign entity. I never believed in the power of love or I can ever fall in love or someone could fall in love. I always believed in old school love and that always fascinated me like a fairy tale. Until one fine day I fell in love with a person I had no intentions or hoped of ever falling in love and we could share such a great bond was beyond my imagination. 

"If thou must love me, let it be for not except for the sake of love only." 

Elizabeth Barett Browning

This is what I had always looked up to and always felt by the heart. Love shouldn't be based upon any superficial condition rather it should be something that should be felt by heart and if you ever have a second thought or it's based upon any condition, then it's not love maybe its just an infatuation or lust. This is what I have strongly believed throughout my life and have always stuck by the thought that love is unconditional. 

So, the story begins with the first love of a girl who had all the mixed feelings. She was excited, nervous, enthusiastic all at once but for her, that feeling was new and wanted to hold on to it forever. Although she knew she wasn't the first love of that guy but she wanted to take all the risk to be with him. Even at times she also felt her love won't last for more than a month but she wanted to prove everyone wrong especially herself. She would have been the happiest when she would have proved everyone wrong and especially herself. 

They were like the two opposite poles of a magnet who were initially attracted to each other but wanted to take every risk possible just to be with each other and that is what was special about their relationship or that is what was the charm of their relationship. 

For others who saw them always felt like 'Bill Gates being afraid to lose a thousand dollars.' 

The first time they held hands:

They were entirely different and even their worlds were entirely different. One was an extrovert while the other one was an introvert but they had few entities in mutual they were shy with each other, they were respectful to each other but most importantly they had a trust which formed the core of their relationship. 

The boy took the initiative after being in a relationship for around forty-five days and asked 'can we hold hands?' 

To which the girl nodded and said yes. 

After a few minutes their hands were entangled and were just smiling seeing each other as if they wanted to cease that moment forever and ever. 

The first date

The first date was nervous as well as an exciting experience for them. They were excited that they would be going alone for the first time. They wore each other's favourite colour. They did every silliest act they could do but no matter how they acted they loved each others company and they still have a glimpse of their first date that they still cherish every time they recall. 

The first kiss

The night was calm-serene,

As we walked under the clouds,

Holding hands in hands,

Enjoying each other's company,

Speaking about the things we had never said before.

Then he came close and gave a peck on the cheeks, and I did the same in return, 

Then with a pause and with a minute of silence, he asks "can I kiss you?" 

"but," I said. 

He puts his finger upon my lips and slowly comes close 

And then begins an eternal moment. 

I just wished for that moment to be everlasting, 

So that I could enjoy that wonderful thrill, feel those goosebumps forever. 

I just melted down in a flood of bliss! 

I tried hard yet could not open my eyes, 

Because I just wanted to feel the moment. 

I knew that there won't be any goodbye to this moment, 

Oh, that blissful moment was so perfect! 

Our first kiss, can we ever forget? 

The first time they met each other's parents :

They were full of anxiety as they were about to meet each other's parents. Although their parents knew about each other's choice yet they were uncertain what if they rejected was the only thought that ran across their minds. That first meeting with each other parents turned out to be successful. At least their efforts to impress each other parents did not go in vain. 

The long-distance relationship :

Now, comes the toughest part of their relationship. From meeting each other regularly or once or twice a week to meeting each other after months was the real test of their relationship. Initially, they had a lot of arguments and differences, trust issues and jealousy. In the end they decided to take a break. The girl felt that he won't return now and she started to keep herself busy so that she won't engulf herself in his thoughts. 

One month later, 

One night she was sitting calmly in her room when all of a sudden a message popped up from him and within a few seconds she was smiling like an idiot. They chatted and cleared each other's insecurities and now he promised that he would hold onto her no matter how hard even she tried even to ran away. She at times was so much irritated that she felt like giving up on her relationship but he always held her back. Within the span of their long-distance relationship their love for each other just grew richer with time. 

15 years later

Now, the much-awaited time had finally arrived for which they have always dreamt of and wanted it to turn out to be like a fairy tale wedding. Yes, they were getting married and their love was finally getting a name. Although their life would change completely after this but they wanted to embrace those changes. So, they got married in two styles firstly in traditional Bengali customs and later on in a full-fledged Punjabi customs. They couldn't control their tears of joys as the wait of fifteen years was finally got over and they were starting their new lives with still the same level of maturity and kiddish Ness. 

"She was an avid reader, he was always hypothetical but chemistry happened in between." 

2 years later 

They were ready to welcome a new member to their family. Yes, someone new was coming to their family who would be an exact copy of either of them. And you know what they gave birth to a cute little angel who completely resembled her father and their paradise of happiness just grew richer with the new coming. 

13 years later 

Their child was finally thirteen years old and they never shied to showcase their love in front of their child. They shared a very special bond with her. They never treated her like their kid more often like a friend. She never ever even hesitated to tell about her feelings to her parents and they always advised her what was the best for her and even sometimes teased her from the names of her crushes and even dropped her to her dates with her boyfriend. 

35 years later 

Everything has changed, they have grown old they walked with sticks, their vision was reduced, but one thing has remained the same over all these years and that was their love for each other which they never felt shy to share in front of others. Every time they were asked about their love their faces blossomed up to share their story to others. 

Her health started to deteriorate with time but one thing was common among them their fights and one fine morning they were solving the riddle and he said that the word should be 'whim-wham'. She started to argue that there is no such word as whim-wham in the dictionary. Both started to put up their arguments and reached to the conclusion that both of them will research whether there exist any word as whim wham or not in the dictionary. 

After breakfast, both went their ways and started to research about the word whim-wham. And finally he found that word in the dictionary and highlighted it to show it to his beloved. 

They met for lunch in the dining table and they had their lunch peacefully and then he showed that there exists a word as whim-wham in the dictionary. So, she accepted it wholeheartedly and accepted her mistake and apologised for it. They were again back to normal as if nothing had happened between them. They went to the bedroom to sleep and you know what they didn't wake up and they died peacefully in each other's arms. 

From this story I just realized that love is not being with each other through the thick but also through the thin. It's much about how you go through hell and still manage to be with each other after all those times. 

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