Erwien Linga

Fantasy Thriller


Erwien Linga

Fantasy Thriller

The Mirror

The Mirror

5 mins

Amy held up her mirror. She got it from her grandmother. She said it was no ordinary mirror. She didn't want to say anything else about it.

 Amy was in her room. She saw nothing special about the mirror. It was an age-old mirror. She stared at her dull reflection. The glass was thick and had a gold-coloured rim. Her reflection was blurred. The mirror has been used for centuries. She put the mirror aside and lay on her bed. It was a warm night. She had left the mirror on the floor. A candlelit the darkroom. The yellow flame reflected off the mirror. It was not yellow, it was green. Maybe it was because it was so dull, she thought to herself. She put her head on the pillow and closed her eyes.

 Amy woke up early in the morning. The sun had not yet risen. The candle had burned out for a while. It was dark in the room. The door was thrown open. There was a man standing there in the doorway. He had yellow eyes and was nearly ten feet tall. The door had opened on its own for him. His black cloak reached to the floor. There were two horns on his head. On its back, there were wings of a bat.

 Amy opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out. The moonwalked into the room and picked up the mirror. The mirror began to glow. Amy was petrified. She couldn't speak. The man hadn't seen her, she thought because he didn't look at her. He looked at the ring and said a few words. A bright light shone on the room and he was gone. Where the man had just been, there was now smoke.

 Amy started to wake up. She had been dreaming. It had been a nightmare she didn't want to experience a second time. She looked at the floor and saw that the mirror had really disappeared. Had she dreamed it? Or had it really happened? She looked at the floor again and saw that the mirror was back. But it hadn't just happened, had it? This could not be done. She might have been mistaken. The mirror had just disappeared and now it had reappeared. She looked at it and saw that there was nothing wrong with it. She got out of bed and went over to pick it up. Her hand touched the glass and she was screamed into the mirror. Everything around her was black and she fell through a hole that was endless. She heard wind whizzing through her ears and nothing else. She was withdrawn through the mirror and ended up in a mysterious world. She felt a floor beneath her feet and stopped. She stood upside down on the ceiling of a castle. The walls were made of mirrors where she saw her own reflection. Only glass where she saw her own reflection. The doors were large mirrors.

 She looked at herself in the mirror and saw that her eyes were red. She cried out in fear and her reflection laughed. She saw her reflection with teeth that belonged to a carnivore. Her reflection spoke to her.

 "You stole my mirror. You, you are a thief and your grandmother is a thief too. She stole my mirror and gave it to you. She already told you it was no ordinary mirror, but you weren't listening".

 Images of snakes with human heads appeared in the mirrors. Amy had nowhere to go. She was trapped in the world of mirrors. The snakes squirmed as if they were being burned.

 "I am the queen of mirrors. I sent the lord of the serpents to warn you in a dream. But you did not refrain from it. You believed it was really a dream. And now you will be killed and buried forever by the invisible. fire You will turn into a snake with a human head and never go back to your world I will kill you and it will happen right now She saw a woman step out of the mirrors and come up to her with razor-sharp claws The woman tried her head off and she jumped sideways. She smashed a mirror and splinters flew around. Amy covered her face with her hands. The woman glared at her. They were both upsides down.

 "Do you think you can flee from my world? You will never get out of here. You will be burned all your life until you take your last breath." She laughed luridly and jumped over to Amy. Amy grabbed a glass splinter and pushed it into the woman's chest with all her strength. The woman dropped to her knees. The glass splinter was covered with blue blood.

 "You destroyed me and my world," she said and collapsed. The queen of mirrors was dead. The human-headed snakes stopped twisting and turned into humans. They looked at their bodies and saw that they were no longer snakes. Amy had delivered them from their suffering. The mirrors started to crack. Amy watched the world of mirrors turn. People came to thank her one by one. They had all been delivered from the evil queen of mirrors. The mirrors broke to pieces and the surroundings turned black. The other people rose through the black hole and so did they. They went back to Earth. The victims of the queen of mirrors had all been owners of the mirror. Amy heard the wind whizzing through her ears.

 She fell to her room floor with a soft thud. The mirror was gone forever, along with the queen.

 The mirror on her room floor lit up until all that was left was ashes. Amy got up and left her room.

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