Varun Amin

Children Stories Comedy Inspirational


Varun Amin

Children Stories Comedy Inspirational

The Miser

The Miser

2 mins

Once there was a miser who was very rich, named Borgis. He was building a new mansion for himself. He had hired many peasants for this job. For their salary he would always give them a sack of rice but, it was always steaming with maggots. There was a man named Argus who was against this and decided to trick him. He went to him with a horse and told him that the horse would give silver coins every time it neighed.

Actually, Argus has filled the horse’s mouth with silver coins, so when he neighed silver coins fell out of it. Borgis was fascinated by the horse and so he bought it from Argus for 5 gold coins.

Borgis waited the whole day but silver coins did not fall out of the horse’s mouth. Borgis understood that this was a trick and ordered him to be thrown in a dungeon.

It was very cold in there so, he kept himself warm by exercising but he told Borgis that his thin shirt had kept him warm. He bought the shirt also and went to show it off in front of his friends but since it was an ordinary shirt and had been fooled by Argus he felt very cold in it.

Argus threatened Borgis that he would tell his friends about this incident. Borgis felt very embarrassed and so made a deal with Argus that he would distribute a good sack of rice among the villagers and in turn, for it he would not open the secret to anyone. So Argus in this way was able to rectify the miser nature of Borgis.

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