Raunak Lumde



Raunak Lumde


The Mysterious Sound

The Mysterious Sound

1 min

Once upon a time, in a small village near the India-Bangladesh border, there lived a boy called Manu. Manu was a very naughty boy. He would not eat his lunch in school, always used to beat others, but liked studying. Then, one fine day, he heard a sound in his mind. He knew that if he asked someone if he/she heard a sound in her/his mind, then the person he asked will ask another person and the question will blow up. And if someone lies and says 'yes', then it is enough to create a conspiracy theory. So he asked his classmates the question. His plan worked! Someone said yes!

From there, the news spread from 'class to class'. Then it spread over the whole village. Now everyone knew Manu. Then, it spread from village to village. Then city to city. Then from country to country, and then the whole world! After some days, a paranormal sighting company interviewed Manu. Before they could ask a question, Manu said it was just for fun and there was nothing paranormal about it.

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