Arhan Parakh



Arhan Parakh


The Mysterious Thief

The Mysterious Thief

3 mins


It is a pleasant spring afternoon I was sitting on my bean bag and watching the news. Suddenly news flashed, that a thief had stolen the biggest diamond ring from the most secured place. Before we get into the details of this mysterious thief let me introduce myself, my name is Jack and I am a government detective and to solve such mysteries is my passion.

Back to the eventful day, I suddenly got a message that I have to solve the mystery or I am fired. That was like a dream come true as I wanted to solve it. I approach the problem from its root and so wanted to find who was the first person to find this special diamond. I found out that it was the famous miner Avi. So, I went to meet him. He told me he sold the diamond to the biggest exhibition owner for 6000$. I followed the lead and went to the exhibition. I inquired from the staff and the owner on how securely was the diamond kept as it was the same place from where it was stolen. They explained me the entire security procedure and laser beams used to secure it. To find out the loophole, I asked the security to switch off the laser beams. Then I went in and I checked for fingerprints and found two fingerprints. I quickly opened my laptop where I had software to identify to whom the fingerprints belonged. I got no match for the first print but the second one matched to a person named Tony. As per records, he was a big criminal but police was never able to catch him. They did nab him once but he escaped while on the way to the police station because of the protests happening on the road that time. Since, Tony was expert criminal I was sure he was involved in this theft. So, I requested for CCTV videos. When I checked I found him watching the exhibition the same day of the theft.

Next morning when I went out to drink coffee and what luck, I found him there. So, I followed Tony without him noticing me. He met someone on the way. He was yelling at the person, saying “you, idiot, Tom, we should be done with the arrangements as they are coming in an hour”. I took a small peak and saw them rushing out to make the arrangements. So Tom and Tony were a team. After they were gone I went inside and I saw a trap door. I went underneath the trapdoor I saw it was full of laser beams and in the middle was the diamond. Searching around, I found a puzzle block. I tried decoding it and I got three different digits. It looked like passwords. I thought it should be the laser beam password to disable them. Failed on the first and second attempt and was nervous to try the third as if I failed the alarm would go off and I would be caught. Fortune favors the brave and the third attempt I was successful. But, Tony entered as soon as the laser beam got disabled and I had to hid under the staircase. He walked in and was horrified seeing that the beams were disabled. I came out and punched him on his nose Tony shouted and Tom came in. After a fearful fight I won. I managed to call the cops took the diamonds from them. They had one fake and one real diamond. They were trying to make duplicates of the real diamond and sell its copies. I didn’t just catch the mysterious thief but also busted the fake diamond business.

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