The New Girl

The New Girl

1 min

Zoey was a new girl in the city of SYDNEY and in her school BAYWOOD ACADEMY.

On her first day ... when she entered the school, she saw a soft board at the right corner, before the lockers on which there were papers on which it was written what floor and section were assigned for 7th graders.

Zoey had to go to the 5th floor and her section was A. When it was class teacher time (CT TIME) the class teacher came and introduced Zoey to all students. in the first period itself, which was English Zoey excelled in the revision test which was to revise the 6th-grade syllabus. By the end of the day, In the last period, all the kids were called into the theatre where assemblies, plays, and dramas are held.

The coordinator Anne - De - Bress called Zoey on stage and said, I have heard from all the teachers that have come to your class that even though you have been studying in a totally different school with a totally different curriculum you excelled in revision tests of all subjects and then she was awarded a certificate and everyone became her friend.

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