Siva Aravindan



Siva Aravindan


The Raft Arrival

The Raft Arrival

2 mins

With the rains raging for the past three weeks the city was completely devastated. Vehicles floating on the subways and streets. People stuck in their houses waiting for evacuation. Electricity being shut down and essential supplies halted people were in extreme grief. 

My ancestral house was surrounded by water up to knee level. With my pump not functioning as intended I was unable to pump out the water. As the phone lines were disconnected we were unable to reach out for any help. The street where we resided was entirely submerged. With the stocked-up biscuits and bread, we battled hunger. The stocks too were about to go empty. 

With water dripping down from the roof and sprinkling from the ground the water levels were steadily rising. Hoping for some rescue to arrive from time to time we waded across the waters to the entrance gate. Nothing was coming to our rescue at that point in time. The downpour continued with it shattering the windows. All that we had in hand was a hope that the rain would come to a halt. Managing to lift a few major appliances like the refrigerator and washing machine with all our might we lifted a few of them on the cot. Time went by in darkness with the confidence levels sinking. It taught us an important lesson on how tangible are things in-universe. It developed a new perspective on being humane and kind. 

At last, a raft arrived adding some light on the optimism that lay within us.

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