Neetikesh Singh

Children Stories Others Children


Neetikesh Singh

Children Stories Others Children

The Rule Of The Wicked Sorceress

The Rule Of The Wicked Sorceress

2 mins

During the good old times, there used to live a wicked sorceress who stayed in a humongous castle. She made all the humans in the city a slave and controlled those people by hypnotizing them by a golden ring. The families of theirs were upset about the sorceress's immense power which made their fathers and sons do all the hard work to build a machine to invade England. A spy who had recently shifted was living near the city which was under the control of the Sorceress. The moment he stepped out of his house, he was frightened seeing the enormous castle in the heart of the city. He took out his binoculars and started starring the castle, he found out that the boundary of the city and castle were heavily guarded by men and kids with powerful, lethal weapons. He finally got an idea, and disguised himself like themselves and entered the city, so no one could suspect him. While taking a walk in the city, he finally saw the sorceress with a machine for invasion. He was terrified, he could report to his country but it was too late.

Everyone was ready and so was he to destroy their plan. He sneaked up on the guards and went below the huge machine, then he took out his screwdriver and dismantled every single part. All parts fell one by one which made their whole invasion plan flopped. After seeing, such a disaster she came near the destruction point and started sobbing and said "now how will I take over England" With the castle guards surrounding her. The spy found out that the castle is now un-protected because the guards were surrounding the sorceress, he finally got an opportunity to invade the sorceress's room and stole her ring which she forgot. After having the ring, the spy waited for the sorceress to enter her room at night-time. Many hours passed, and it finally was the time when the rule of the wicked sorceress ends. The moment she entered her room, within a fraction of a second, she was hypnotized by the spy. After hypnotizing the sorceress, he un-hypnotized all the villagers and foreigners. The peoples who were under the control of the sorceress were given ultimate freedom and the sorceress was locked up in the jail with tight security so that she doesn't again begin her rule over the city. The people thanked the spy, offered him delicious treats, and offered him transport so he could reach his destination easily and quickly without any difficulties.

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