Sanvi Kohale

Children Stories


Sanvi Kohale

Children Stories

The scary dream

The scary dream

2 mins

Once there was a school-going boy named Madhav. He used to have his tuition at 7:30 and school at 8:00'o clock. He woke up at 7:00 clock his mom woke him up get him ready and pack him tiffin. One day while sleeping he dreamt that his mom was waking him up saying"wake up Madhav its 7:00 clock already wake up, brush your teeth, take a bath, tide yourself up your mile is ready Madhav woke up took a bath tide himself up and then directly took milk and a packet of biscuit from refrigerator and then his mom gave him food she made.

It was Madhav's unfavourite vegetable Spinach he took pastry to eat from refrigerator. Then he went to tuition and then school during lunch time everyone was eating their tiffin but Madhav didn't even touch his tiffin he bought samosa from the rupees he got from his father. At way home Madhav took a cup of tea. When he reached home he immediately took ball and gone outside to play there was no one in the ground. After sometime Madhav saw a giant red coming towards him Madhav got scared it was an evil tooth he told Madhav "Madhav you gave me biscuit, pastries, samosa, tea and now I want orange juice Madhav worked up sweating his mom was at his bed saying take a bath brush your teeth it's too late Madhav immediately brushed his teeth and eat everything that was given by his mom.

Moral: You must always brush your teeth! As Miguel de Cervantes said, “Every tooth in a man's head is more valuable than a diamond.” So remember to brush your teeth, and look after them as well as you would look after a diamond!

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