Shikha Mishra



Shikha Mishra


The Shining Stars on the Ceiling - Final Part

The Shining Stars on the Ceiling - Final Part

8 mins

There was something about the envelope that compelled her to open it. She switched on the study lamp and started opening the envelope. She opened the letter it read as follows:

'Dear Pakhi, Hi, how are you?

At the same time there was a knock on the door, "Pakhi, are you alright", we heard some noise from your room. She got startled by the knock on her door, followed by her parent's voice. Yes, Maa & Papa, All fine, I accidentally dropped something and got scared by the noise. It's all right; I will go to sleep now. Goodnight, love you both, she said."Goodnight sweetie her parents replied. She waited to hear the footsteps ensuring her parents went downstairs before she continued reading the letter further. Only when she got sure, she opened the letter. The letter read as follows:

Dear Pakhi, How are you? You must be wondering who wrote this letter to you, well it gives me great joy to introduce myself. I am Fairy Goddess writing this on behalf of your best friends (Stars and the Moon). Yes, I am aware of your sweet friendship and know about your wishes coming true. I have often witnessed your sweet talks with your friends and was taken aback by so much warmth and love your carry within yourself for others. You have a very kind heart hence I decided to exercise my rights of granting wishes to such a beautiful soul who can't see me. Also, let me tell you here both of your wishes were for others, not for yourself. You knew your uncle and aunt were moving to New York that got you worried about the new puppy they got for themselves. You cared for that puppy and wanted to provide a home to that puppy, hence you wished for a puppy. Your second wish was for the old lady who stayed opposite to your place. You knew very well due to her age factor she needs to have someone to look after her. You loved her so much and wanted someone to take care of her. So that was your 2nd wish. Now the best part is after your 2nd wishes got fullied you didn't get scared about it and shared with anyone. You are a brave little girl. You didn't care if your buddies fulfil your 3rd wish, you love them unconditionally instead of asking something for yourself, you wanted to meet them to convey your Thank you to them for granting your two wishes. So as Fairy Goddess, I am granting one additional wish from my end of getting an opportunity to meet your best buddies. Your buddies would be glad to fulfil your 3rd wish. So all you need to do is write down your 3rd wish in the space mentioned below and keep the letter below your pillow. Once you do that, don't look for that letter. And tomorrow midnight they would come to meet you and shall read your 3rd wish to be fulfilled. So without wasting any time, write down your wish and let them come true. Lots of love, Fairy Goddess.

Without wasting any time, Pakhi immediately got a pencil for herself and, in her beautiful handwriting, she wrote down her 3rd wish and kept the letter below the pillow for the magic to happen. And within no time, she was off to sleep.

The next day when she woke up, she thought of the letter, Fairy Goodess, wishes, but that one thing that elated her was a chance to meet her best buddies. She was so excited to meet them finally. Her parents noticed she was extra chirpy and good mood today they asked her what happened she just said 'Sometimes, it good to be happy without any reason too"She was looking forward to the midnight and her meeting.

As regularly her parents tucked her in bed, she wished them "Goodnight" and waited for the midnight magic to happen. As usual, she started the conversation with her buddies, the idea of meeting them, didn't stop to share her excitement with them. She didn't realise when she dozed off to sleep.

She woke up by the sudden sound and light in her room. What she saw was unimaginable, there were two figures in her room with white light in their background. She couldn't see their face but noticed something that watched her attention. Both were wearing the crown, 1 had Star on it the others had Moon on it. They were her best buddies.

One of the figures said " Hi, Pakhi, your best buddies are here, Star and Moon. Fairy Goddess granted you additional wish of meeting us we are here to fulfil your 3rd wish. We have the letter here with us that specifies your 3rd wish. Before we grant your wish, I guess you would like to say something.

Pakhi was super excited; however, she controlled her emotions and said " Hi, Best Buddies, I am so glad to meet you. Though I can't see your face, your presence is enough for me. Thank you so much for being there for me, listening to my stories. I feel touched and blessed that you considered me to grant my wishes. I know it is not easy to good buddies yet you both came all the way to not only to meet me but to grant my 3rd wish. So Thank you again for all your love.

Let's open your letter and see your 3rd wish, the Star said.

The letter read: Dear Star and Moon, my 3rd wish would be to become like my parents. They both are doctors and save human lives. I know they don't get much time to spend with me, however, they always ensure to provide their time, support to the people who are in need. I want to do something for people in need and make a difference. My class teacher told me "Every small little deed matters" and want to contribute to society.

There was a minute silence, then 1 of the figure spoke, "Pakhi, we can't grant your wish that you become like your parents, because to become Doctor would require a lot of studies, you need to clear competitive exams, a lot of practice and only then you can become Doctor. Being a doctor is a big responsibility you need to get prepared before you take up that responsibility. However, we would like to share with you that it's not only by being a Doctor you can make a difference, you can contribute to society even if you are not a doctor. What matters is your pure thought of serving the society, and my dear child, you are blessed with a golden heart. Every human being can contribute to society in their way. You must have seen how Police Officers ensure everyone Safety and keep a tab on corruption, how the Scientist, Journalists, Teachers, etc contribute to the society in their way.

Yes, we are happy to be your buddies, but what is more important is you start sharing your thoughts with your parents so that they can guide you and support you in your dream to come true. Parents are your best buddies, you just need to start sharing with them. You know right, "God can't be everywhere, that's why he gave Parents".Hope you'll give chance to your Parents to be your best buddies. We know you love them, and they love you more. Always remember that.

There were tears in Pakhi's eyes, her best buddies, her Parents were right there in front of her, yet she ignored them. And yes, now she very well understood that even without being a doctor, she can serve society and make a difference.

'Thank you, buddies, for introducing me to my best buddies and sharing an important lesson of life, Pakhi said.

"Now it's time for us to go, we'll wait till you fall to sleep, said the Star and the Moon. Oh, one more thing, since we were not able to fulfil your 3rd wish, do you wish to ask for another wish, they asked.

No, Thank you. I have got all that I needed, she smiled, said Good night and closed her eyes.

"You thought she understood what we tried to explain to her, said Sanjana to Rohit. Yes, Sanjana, our daughter is a smart girl I am happy that we got that camera and recorder to monitor her safety that helped us know what she was going through. It's our responsibility also to become her best buddies so that she can share everything with us. Also, today I feel very proud of our profession, she admires us so much, we are her inspiration; I am sure she'll make a difference one day.

Yes, Rohit, even I am happy, but I need to see if she start sharing her feelings with us and give us a chance to be her best buddies.

It was worth it pulling the strings to get her wishes fulfilled. Getting a puppy was easy since Vinay and Rakhi were planning to move to New York, but getting Maithali to come down and stay with aunty, took some time to get it worked out, but happy with the timing. Our kid is a special girl she needs guidance to spread her wings and fly.

The letter was a good idea to execute the plan.

The next day was just another day, yet the only difference was Pakhi was super happy and gave her Parents a warm hug as if she was Thankful for having them in her life. Her parents were happy too since she found her way to them.

In the night, when her parents tucked her in bed, she kissed them Good night and said: I love you both a lot. You are my best buddies. Sanjana and Rohit smiled and said, " We love you too to the Moon and Stars".She slept peacefully today since she had found her best buddies in her Parents. 

Few years down the line.

So, Ms Pakhi, you are the Business Women of the Year, yet you run NGO, supporting orphans and people in need, how do you do that? Who inspired you for that?

Pakhi smiled and replied and said "Every good little deed matter" and narrated the story of that night that changed her life.

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