unknown me

Abstract Drama Romance


unknown me

Abstract Drama Romance

The Soul Curry

The Soul Curry

3 mins

After almost one and a half years of knowing someone only through whatsapp chats and voice calls came that day just next to his birthday when he finally was ready to meet. Not that it has not been tried earlier but everytime it just backfired and for some or the other reason it could not be possible. In fact during the Diwali of 2019 he was supposed to meet at my place of work. But he never came and I had a big fight with him. I regretted fighting with him and apologised. 

The good thing about him was a very pleasant way of communication. Always friendly and positive with a tinge of humour and little bit philosophy now and then just to make a delicious masala curry . But yes right from  the beginning he always made you feel that he was very busy with life and so once in four days was the normal way of connecting. 

So when he said he was ready to meet my happiness knew no bounds. We decided the place of meeting which was near my house. So I dressed up for the meeting and there I was standing waiting for him. When someone from the left just said hello and I realised it was him. So after a formal handshake we just got seated with our masks and ordered two cups of tea.

For few moments the mask was off for a near normal feeling . And I just kept talking about the general things and he kept listening. One hour passed like that and then he felt he should leave. He dropped me home in his car. I requested him to meet my mother to which he said he had already got late. So I said next time we will plan in such a way that you meet my mother.

The best moment in that whole meeting was the time when I walked with him frrom the restaurant to his car and how I felt at that time that may this walk last forever. That was the Kodak moment for me.

He left and later we continued talking on whatsapp. Few days later I felt something amiss in the way he was speaking to me. And I realised that may be I had not done anything special for his birthday besides just wishing which would not have gone well with him. 

The moment I realised that I apologised to him and suggested to meet again as soon as possible. Then the day next to Holi he said after thinking for about a week and a long discussion with his family he felt he was unable to meet and would continue to search more for his partner. It just broke my heart to pieces and I said that then let's not be friends anymore and he willfully agreed.

This someone with whom I was just discussing anything and everything on earth and who seemed to understand me so much better was now pretending to be a stranger who was ready to end the bond of friendship .

It just took a toll on my emotional health and when I am hurt it's not good at all. So I must have bombarded him with more then 100 messages over a period of 2 days. He pretended to be not reading them and finally on the third day he read them all and replied that he was just feeling surrounded by all that I had said and when he will be less angry with himself he will talk to me

 I said sorry for not being able to accept what he wished for and I said I am no longer angry with him because acceptance is the key to it.."I feel sad now though not angry and though I wish he calls me sometime but only if he changed his mind and wishes to take this further.



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