Khushant Mali

Drama Romance Thriller


Khushant Mali

Drama Romance Thriller

The Tale Of Two Hearts

The Tale Of Two Hearts

17 mins

One day a politician named Mahesh shetty came to a respected businessman named Rohit reddy’s house for a marriage proposer with his family.

Mahesh shetty: Rohit, I am here for a marriage proposal between my son Sunny and your daughter Aanya.

Rohit reddy was in shock, no doubt that Aanya was beautiful but she was blind and so he thought Mahesh shetty and his family member didn’t know that Aanya is blind.


Rohit reddy: Do you know that Aanya is blind?

Maira (Mahesh shetty’s wife): What? She is blind! we didn’t know that.

Sunny: What papa, you were going to fix my marriage with a blind girl!

Rohit reddy: Hey, don’t use that word.  

Nandini (Rohit reddy’s wife): Aanya’s father, be cool, don’t panic.

While walking towards their car Sunny said, “Papa, you really didn’t know that his daughter is blind?” Mahesh shetty replied, “No, I didn’t know.” They left.

Aanya came downstairs and asked her mother why there is so much silence today? Rohit reddy whispers in Nandini’s ear - don’t tell her what has happened. Nandini replies to Aanya “nothing”. Rohit reddy asks Aanya “what happened why you came down?” Papa I am going to a singing concert said Aanya. Rohit reddy said ok dear, go safely.    


Gaurav and his best friend kartik had come to a shopping mall. Gaurav ask “kartik why are we here?” Kartik says “I thought we are free so we should spend our time in the mall”. Gaurav says “I want to have a cup of tea.” kartik said whole day you can have your tea but now we will stay here. Ok, baba we will spent our time here, said Gaurav.

Kartik: Gaurav look there I think those gunde (the member of a gang or gunday) are harassing girls.

Gaurav :( while running towards the gunde) hey come fast we will teach them a lesson.

Kartik: (while running behind Gaurav) ok bro. 

Gaurav: hey you gunde stop hurting girls.

Gunda1: who are you? Do you know who we are?

Kartik: (shouting) he is the hero of this story Gaurav   .

Gaurav: Kartik! stop your over acting and start the fighting scene.

There were almost 5 gunde but the called 5 more, Gaurav kicks one and punches the second. Now the gunda2 said “You don’t know our boss”. After this dialogue kartik punches the gunda2 and then the third one. Some of them ran here and there. Kartik went to left side and Gaurav went to the other. Gaurav jumps to the first floor of the mall and throws down one gunda on the glass. Meanwhile kartik had hold one’s collar, pulled him back and punched him on his face. Two gunde were running towards Gaurav with a metal rod, Gaurav stylishly fought them and defeated them. 

Meanwhile Aanya’s driver was searching for the auditorium as he didn’t knew the address, so was driving very slowly. 


Now Gaurav and Kartik meet at middle of the mall they were surrounded with gundes. They both had a great fight with the gundes; kartik says remember our names kartik and Gaurav. The girls come near Gaurav and kartik and say “thank you brother there were many people in the mall but no one helped us”. They both said “welcome now we shall leave.” They walk some distance outside the mall, here kartik sees his shoe laces were opened so he sat to tie them but Gaurav didn’t notice that kartik is not walking with him as he was busy to fold his shirt’s sleeves. Gaurav was walking by folding his shirt’s sleeves he came on the main road and had an accident with Aanya’s car; he was not heated as the speed of the car was only of 24 km/hour. Inside the car Aanya hear some noise and ask her driver what happed? Driver says “mam a boy suddenly came in front of our car and we meet with an accident”. Aanya get scared and said “bring him in the car we’ll take him to the hospital”. Here kartik sees Gaurav fallen down and the driver ask Gaurav to come in and sat we will take you to the hospital. So kartik runs and come near the drive.


Gaurav: No I am fine. 

Driver: Sir please come inside its question of my life and Aanya mam told me to take you in.      

Kartik (in Gaurav’s ear): hey go, see a beautiful girl is seating inside.

Gaurav: ok driver help me to seat in. 

Driver: ok sir come.

Kartik: I will come in bike, ok 

Gaurav seat in the car and get shocked by seeing a beautiful girl seating next to him. Gaurav ask “what is your name?” Aanya says “myself Aanya Reddy what’s your name?” Myself Gaurav. Nice to meet you. Gaurav says in mind “ooo what a voice”. 


Gaurav: Aanya Can you see me or you are a blind? Sorry for this kind of question        

Aanya: its ok Gaurav, I am a blind since two years. 

Gaurav: (in confusion) what!! Means how you become blind?

Aanya: in an accident my optic nerve was damage. Oh leave this Tell me about yourself?

Gaurav: I am a marriage stage decorator. What about you?

Aanya: I am a singer; I have a concert in Krishna auditorium at 12:30 pm.

Gaurav and Aanya they both had a long talk and after 10 minutes they reach the hospital and driver take Gaurav in the hospital and admit Gaurav; After 5 minutes kartik reach the hospital and take care of Gaurav.

After 6 day, Gaurav and kartik left for airport as they were going to Delhi for their work. In the flight kartik sees Aanya and her best friend Alisha coming towards them. Kartik said in Gaurav’s hear see Aanya is coming here I think her seat is next to our seat I will ask her friend to change her seat and I will also change my seat and seat behind your seat. Gaurav said ok go fast. Kartik went near Alisha and ask her to come a side and explain all the matter that Gaurav loves Aanya a lot so he ask Alisha to change her seat and seat behind them. Finally Alisha agrees. Alisha said to Aanya “hey Aanya your seat is front of my seat and I have asked to air hostess to change our seat but she said the flight is full so we can’t change our seat. Aanya said its ok no problem. Alisha helped Aanya to set and tied her seatbelt.

Gaurav: (in mind) hey God help me to talk with her. Hi Aanya how are you? 

Aanya: (in confusion) hi; who’s this?

Gaurav: Aanya myself Gaurav we had met 6 days before in an accident I was injured and you helped me, took me to the hospital.

Aanya: yes I remember you. Who will forget the person who talks a lot? 

Gaurav: hmmm; true

Aanya: what is your dream Gaurav? 

Gaurav: dream; my dream is to be a hero means I want to kill villain, save the heroine and want to die for her. 

Alisha: I feel he likes to watch movies.

Kartik: yes, he likes so only he is using this kind of word to propose a girl.

Aanya: one does not have to be popular to become a hero; they are also in real life 

Gaurav: what your parents does? 

Aanya: my father is a business man. What about your parents?

Gaurav: when I was 7years my parents died in an accident, we were going to the temple on the mid way the accident took place and my mother and father died. Fortunately I was saved by kartik’s parents and from that time they had grown me up. 

Gaurav went to toilet and back of him kartik also comes and tells him to propose her. Gaurav said I am trying but not able to. Kartik said you have just 10 minutes the flight will land now. Gaurav said ok I will try my best. They went back to their seats.

Aanya: where you are going in Delhi Gaurav?

Gaurav: I and my team are going to shehnai banqut to decorate a marriage stage. Where you are going?

Aanya: Even we are going to the same place for my friend’s marriage for 3 days. And we have a small concert during the engagement but the problem is our guitarist is not well.

Gaurav: you know what you’ll get a guitarist and you’ll have a great concert.

Aanya: how you know?

Flight landed and the passengers were getting ready to leave the flight one by one.


Gaurav: Aanya I love you very much, from the very first day I met you I am fallen in your love. Will you be my girlfriend? 

Aanya: I can’t be your girlfriend we can be just friend.

Gaurav: Now or never.   

Aanya: never 

Gaurav: O come on lier.   

Aanya leaves the flight and back Gaurav, kartik and Alisha also leaves the flight. Gaurav and kartik get into their taxi and first goes to the hotel. On the other hand Aanya and Alisha seat in their taxi and goes to their friends house.

Alisha: did he propose you Aanya?

Aanya: yes but I rejected and said we can be friend 

Alisha: have you lost it? He looks so handsome  

Aanya: to be honest, I like him but not able to tell him.

The next evening Gaurav, kartik and their team were busy in the decoration and Aanya was preparing for her performance. Alisha comes near Aanya and asks “are you ready?” Aanya says “yes I am ready but the guitarist didn’t come yet.” Gaurav had taken responsibility to arrange guitarist, wait I’ll ask him and get back to you. Alisha went in search of Gaurav. Kartik says “bro what you are thinking?” Gaurav said “nothing I am thinking about the performance”. There will be no performance today said Alisha 

Kartik asks why what happened. Alisha said your friend Gaurav   had not arranged any guitarist for today’s performance. Gaurav said I has done my work and he had come you will see him in the stage. Alisha said ok. and leaves.

Aanya while going on the stage Aanya ask Alisha guitarist came? Alisha said came. Gaurav was going on the stage and Alisha asks why you are going on the stage? Gaurav said I am the guitarist. They had a great performance; outside the stage Aanya ask kartik Gaurav knows to play guitar? Kartik said yes from last 3 years he knows. Kartik please take me near Gaurav said Aanya. Kartik takes Aanya near Gaurav. Gaurav said nice song. Aanya said you didn’t tell me that you know to play guitar. Gaurav said I am sorry. Aanya be ready we are going out tomorrow after marriage. Aanya said ok but where? That you will come to know tomorrow said Gaurav. Alisha come and asks Aanya to come with her. Kartik said Gaurav at list tell me. Not now tomorrow I will tell you because you are the main in the surprise said Gaurav. Ok come we’ll leave to our hotel said kartik. 

Next day Gaurav woke up early in the morning and went to the banquet hall with his team to decorate the stage for marriage. After two to three hours kartik woke up and sees Gaurav was not there he sees a letter which was written by Gaurav. The letter begins with dear kartik I am going to the banquet hall as we have many work to day so I am taking my team when you will woke up come with rest of the team and I want to tell you something Gaurav. Kartik call his one of the teammate “get ready in one hour have something and assemble in the lobby tell this to my team Gaurav sir went to the hall with his team so don’t call his team.” Now kartik gets ready have something and goes to the hall.

Kartik reaches the banquet hall and call Gaurav; where are you and tell me where to send my team for the decoration? Gaurav said send half of your to the main hall and tell them to decorate the main entrance and tell rest of the team to decorate the entrance gate; I am in the canteen come here fast. Kartik tells the work to his teammate and goes to canteen to meet Gaurav   


Kartik: tell me what is the surprise what is my role in that?

Gaurav: the surprise is I had meet a doctor who said Aanya can get her eyes back but someone need to donate his eyes.

Kartik: Great but who will donate his eyes had you got that person?

Gaurav: yes, I got that person he will reach the hospital by 3 pm. And doctor told patient should not eat anything before the operation.

Kartik: no big deal I will tell Alisha she will help us.  


Gaurav and kartik continued their work of decoration. Now at eleven o’ clock all the gust and the family members come to the banquet hall for the marriage celebration. Alisha says “wow! So nice decoration.” Aanya said “hey really it is nice?” Alisha said “yar to good decoration. Gaurav calls Alisha and said come to canteen we are waiting but don’t bring Aanya with you ok. Alisha said ok I will come in a 10 minutes. Alisha told Aanya I had some work need to go I will take you to the main hall ok, Aanya said ok. Alisha and Aanya went to the main hall and Alisha ran to the canteen.  

Alisha: Gaurav what you want to tell.

Gaurav: I had planned a surprise for Aanya. 

Alisha: ok, great but what?

Gaurav: eye operation by that she will be able to see things back.

Alisha: wow! But what I have to do?

Kartik: your role is to tell Aanya that her mom had called you and told tell Aanya not to eat anything till 4o’clock.

Alisha: ok but when the operation is and how you will take Aanya?

Gaurav: the operation is on 3o’clock and we will tell Aanya that we are going to meet my friend in hospital.

Alisha: ok.


Alisha went to tell Aanya that her mom had called, told not to eat anything. Aanya said ok I will not eat anything till 4o’clock. The marriage function begins.

 In kartik and Gaurav’s house. 

Anjali (kartik’s mother): I am felling something is going too happed.

Rajesh (kartik’s father): I know you are thinking about kartik and Gaurav don’t worry they are fine they are not alone whole team is there with them 

Anjali: I know that but still 

Rajesh: I know why it’s happens you want to eat ice-cream so.

Anjali: maybe 

Rajesh: come we will go to have ice-cream.

The marriage gets over by a beautiful group photos. After their photo section Gaurav went near Aanya and tells come we are going to meet my friend he is hospitalized. Aanya asks can we take Alisha also with us. Gaurav said she is ready; kartik and Alisha are standing near the car. Aanya said ok guide me to the car. They seat in the car Gaurav drives the car. Aanya ask kartik which friend we are going to meet. Kartik sees to Gaurav in tens. Gaurav said school friend. Kartik was sleeps mine while they reach the hospital. Gaurav said baby wake up we reached hospital. Aanya and Alisha hear this and started laughing. Gaurav said kartik can you parked the car? Kartik said ok. Mine while Gaurav filled the entire document and asked Alisha to signature the paper and he signs too. They took Aanya in the O.T Alisha tells Aanya to seat by that time sister make an injection and inject the sleeping dose into Aanya’s body. Aanya says who is doing this to me, why? and sleeps. Kartik comes up stairs and ask the operation started? Gaurav said not still, kartik can you go and bring lunch for Aanya and Alisha. Kartik said ok I’ll bring. Gaurav went inside the OT tells Alisha to go and see kartik weather he had come from the parking please I’ll be there with Aanya. The doctor starts operation after one hour the operation gets over. Kartik and Alisha comes up stairs to the OT and sees Gaurav in the bed kartik gets scared opens the door an seat near him. Gaurav cries holding his hand. Kartik asks why?

Gaurav said I donated my eyes to my love from now she will be seeing things from my eyes site. Kartik said shu shut up you nutcase. Gaurav said please take me to home before Aanya wakes. Ok come lets go back home mom will shout me and you now. They both walks out of the gate and they meet doctor. Doctor says well I was coming to meet you only Gaurav.

Kartik said what happened doctor? Doctor said there was a problem in the operation gaurav’s midbrain is little damage it may create problem in future. Kartik ask is there any cure for this? Doctor said I will give some medicine take them daily. Kartik said ok and went to the airport. They board a flight to Jamshedpur while returning there was silence in the flight no one was speaking and after some time kartik was in sleep, Gaurav call kartik no respond he thought kartik is sleeping and called air hostage and said can you help to go to washroom please. She took Gaurav in the washroom Gaurav was crying and shouting in the mind. After sometime he came back.  

Now Aanya was back conscious she was shock and very happy as she was able to see back everything she call Alisha inside her room and ask what happened with me how I am able to see things back. Alisha explains everything even gaurav’s plan and he had donated his eyes to you. Aanya was shocked to hear this news she tries to call Gaurav many time but he was not responding to her call. They immediately made the plan to go back to Jamshedpur and meet Gaurav.             


Gaurav said to kartik I am hungry I want to eat something when we’ll land. Kartik said ok after 2 minutes we are going to land. We’ll see a nice restaurant and have something. Gaurav and kartik came out from the airport and kartik said I can see a restaurant in front of the airport we’ll go there. Service of the restaurant was slow so it took one hour to finish the food. Aanya sees Gaurav in the restaurant and shout Gaurav kartik wait I am coming there kartik didn’t hear anything but Gaurav hears and tell kartik to get out from there from back gate Aanya sees they are going so she runs back of them. When they were on the main road Aanya shout once again, kartik’s bag got tore and Kartik seats down to fix it, but Gaurav was walking and boom a car slams Gaurav. Both kartik and Aanya gets scared, Aanya seat near Gaurav and said “Gaurav please wake up” mine while kartik stops a car and take help from him and Aanya and kartik both take Gaurav to the hospital in the car.

In the hospital doctors operates Gaurav after the operation the doctor said he is out of the danger and till the report comes I can’t tell anything. Kartik ask “can I meet him”. Doctor said “not now he is unconscious he’ll be fine by morning and any one can stay back here. Kartik said to Aanya I’ll stay you can come in morning. Aanya went to her home and her parents were shock in happiness by seeing Aanya able to see things back. Her father asks how you are able to see things back. Aanya tells everything told by Alisha in hospital of Delhi and about the accident. Rohit reddy said I will meet him in afternoon.

Next morning in the hospital Aanya reach the hospital at 8 am with the tiffin box. Aanya ask kartik to wait outside. Aanya saw Gaurav was crying so seat near him and opens he tiffin. Gaurav said nice smell kartik but Aanya didn’t tell anything to him she put first bit in his mouth and said I hope you know your ignoring me, won’t change my feelings for you. Gaurav smiles and said if everyone had received such love in this world, where would the world have been? Kartik come inside and said doctor was telling Gaurav midbrain had damage that can be problem you may die in one hour or in one month. Gaurav cried and said will you both miss me? Yes off Couse we’ll miss you kartik said. Aanya starts crying and says Gaurav you won’t die now. Gaurav smile and said ok let’s see. Rohit reddy comes inside the room tells Aanya and kartik to wait outside. They went out of the room. Aanya said the person who taught me to laugh was crying, screaming in front of me and I could not do anything. Kartik didn’t respond.

Rohit reddy: hello Gaurav I am Aanya’s father.

Gaurav: hello uncle 

Rohit reddy: why you did this to Aanya.

Gaurav: Uncle I have big big dreams but don’t want to fulfill them but Aanya has a small dream that I feels to fulfill.

Rohit reddy: you are really a filmy boy 


The doctor comes and told kartik you can take Gaurav home but don’t know how many days he has. Kartik said ok doctor thank you.

Gaurav’s condition deteriorated further and after two days he left all of us and left the world, but was left with a letter. Aanya never cry in your life. Seems god have written every love story incomplete just like lord Krishna didn’t get her first love radha, I didn’t get my love Aanya. but you know my dadi used to tell me a story one was king one was queen they both died the story ends but she never said that the story was incomplete, it was complete by those king and queen, so Miss Aanya the king has died but the queen is still alive and till than our story is alive. See you in our next birth, Gaurav.    

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