Gideon Bala

Drama Romance


Gideon Bala

Drama Romance

The Taste of Love

The Taste of Love

2 mins

Knock, knock, knock! Who is there? Gentle calm response from John; is me, John! Are you set for the meeting Gideon? Enquired John, John is a good friend of mine while still in college, together we have learned of love and ABCs.

I like John, He is so creative and intelligent. 

I welcome him as one of my family members- though I have 3 siblings whose sex are female, the space of a male sibling has been filled by John who I talk anything with, from crime to naughty fable stories.

Yea, am done Jonny, am sorry for keeping you waiting, is not intentional, I apologize sincerely to John.

Is okay responded John, you promise to tell me about your new crush Gideon? Yes, I did, I responded. 

Who is she? John enquires curiously- Hahaha with a deliberate outwear laugh; oh, John, this girl is from another specia ...something must kill a man just said John with a keen interest to flame the conversation.

 I continued, see ehh John, this girl walks like a stranger in this our time, she must have been the queen Sheba we have heard in many scripts we have read, with an equal shift in her bum bum and you know what that means- ohhhh Know Mr. Gee, gist me I wanna hear more about this damsel before I get to meet her in be continued

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