Nibedita Mishra

Inspirational Children


Nibedita Mishra

Inspirational Children

The Toy Robot

The Toy Robot

3 mins

Arya was a 9 years old girl. She was born in a town and she had never been to any village. She always listens to many stories about the village and the villagers from her father. So she was very much excited to went to a village in her upcoming summer vacation. 

So when the summer vacation began, she insists her parents to went to her paternal house, which was in a village. Her parents agreed and the next morning they were ready to have an enjoyable vacation in the village. At first, they traveled by train and then by bullock cart to reached at that village. Arya enjoyed the journey very much. 

Arya took almost all toys with her because she wants to show the toys to her grandparents and also play with them among all the toys there was a toy robot which she liked the most. 

After they reached the village her grandparents became very happy. They took her to see the village temple, pond, and to their neighbor's house also. In a few days, Arya became friendly with the villagers and made a lot of friends there. she began to passed her vacation very nicely. 

One day Arya noticed that her most loved toy Robot was not there she looked for it here and there, but she could not found it. she became very sad. she began to cry, when she was sure that the toy was stolen then she told her father to call the policeman to catch the thief. Her mother tried to pretend to her. At last, after saying sometimes area gets tired and falls asleep. Then her mother went to Pihu's house,who lived next to their house.  

Pihu was 7 years old girl. many times she asked Arya to gave her that toy Robot but Arya refused. so her mother thought that she might be taken that out. 

When Pihu'mother saw Arya's mother she easily understands the whole matter and felt very ashamed for her daughter. . Arya's mother told her that there was nothing to felt sorry for. It was very common. she asked her to hide that toy and not to tell anyone about this. After that they went back she would bring a new toy for Arya and also advised her to gave that toy to Pihu. 

Another day Arya's family when getting ready to a comeback to their home town. At that time Pihu's mother came to their house and she gave a clay doll to Arya,which could also move its eyes,leg, and hand like a Robot. so Arya was becoming very happy. 

After reaching the town Arya's mother brought a new toy Robot for her. Now Arya had two toys. so she became very happy. 

Pihu's mother also taught Pihu not to do this again, because God will punish her for this wrong did. Now Pihu felt very ashamed on her. She made a call to Arya and accepted that she was guilty. Arya said that she forgave her and also asked to kept that toy as a gift. 

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