The Vaccine

The Vaccine

2 mins

"Something unsual ?! "she asked with a deep curiosity

"I can feel every single nerve of my brain ......"

She interrupted - " tell me everything in detail!"

"There is an inner world, where each thing is assigned to a particular subject, there is a source of energy, more powerful than a Sun and also a king of great capacity, who was sleeping till now!"

As she was eager to know, putting her hand over my hand she said "okay! Can you just try to interpret your thought in simple language, without using metaphors?"

That touch uninitiated the sensory stimulus and within a millionth of a second, I passed through her finger to Veins to Artery to liquid in Brain to root of every single hair to nerves in the Heart to Lining of 6 metres long intestine to tendons to ligaments to bone marrow to tip of the nail of her right toe .After accessing to every part of her body, I was now able to analyze her next physical and mental move.

To me it seemed as time has stopped!

Through her another hand, which was touching the iron bench, I entered into the Molecular structure of that bench and could feel the attractive and repulsive forces of Electron and Protons.

I moved further ahead through the electric wire, which was also lying over the bench, now i was in a total unidirectional journey, after a while ...

I was in the top of a transformer, lying at the foot of a huge Dam ...

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