Reva khanna

Crime Thriller


Reva khanna

Crime Thriller

The Venomous Bite

The Venomous Bite

3 mins

In the dark room I heard something. A scream. I wasn't sure what it was and I was too afraid to go and check it for myself so I woke Betty who was sleeping beside me. I started to shake because I was getting scared by the minute and she woke up in a panic. 

"What is it Kev? Its 3 in the morning." she said and I told her everything. 

I told her every night I was having these nightmares that ai was being eaten alive by something- bed bugs was my guess and tonight while sleeping I head a scream. I thought it could just be in my dream but it felt so real and it sounded like your sister Josie. 

"That's impossible! Josie died 10 months ago by the poison of Sydney Funnel Web Spider when she was in Australia." Betty stared crying because she loved her sister more than anything and she hadn't seen her since months because of her sister studying in Australia and her being back in the States to support her dad who just paid off his gambling debt. They were planning to go surprise her but then they heard the news about her unfortunate yet mysterious death death as no bug bite was found. 

I help Betty close in my arms until she cried herself to sleep and it was already 5 am so I decided to go out for a run to clear my mind. As I was running I heard a scream again but there was no one in sight. I ignored it but then there was a sudden pain on the left side of my head. I couldn't walk or pick up my phone to call Betty. All I could do was just lie down so I did and I had a very strange dream. 

Josie and Betty were dancing and then I noticed something weird. Josie fell on knees and started to shout in pain. She posted at her ankle which had not much of a swelling but she was in excruciating pain so Betty quickly wrapped her ankle up and called the ambulance. While all of this was going down their dad, Jason was just watching with a slight grin on face. As soon as I went to approach him I was awake- in a hospital with my ankle really itchy. I saw Betty on my side crying and when she saw me she was so relived. She told me that I had gotten bitten by a wolf spider and I was almost going to die. I was surprised considering my dream or now that I think of it, it was more of a hallucination but I still told Betty. 

She was in utter shock and disbelief. She thought I was crazy and I was accusing her father of something stupid. I told her to just go talk to him. She was hesitant at first but she knew her dad like the back of her hand and she trusted him so just to prove me wrong she went to Jason. 

"Dad I need to talk to you."

"What is it my little angel?" 

"You remember Josie and how she died because of that stupid spider bite but there was no bite mark to be found?"

"Yes my angel. I miss her everyday"

"Dad did you poison her?"

The look of Jasons face was enough to know the truth. He tried to hide it but couldn't. 

"S what if I did? Your sister was a brat. She stole from us when leaving for college which landed us in debt. You mom couldn't handle it so she started to drink. excessively and she died as well. She was the love of my life and she got taken away from me because of that lying brat so I did what I could do. I poisoned her." 

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