Arvind Harish

Horror Tragedy


Arvind Harish

Horror Tragedy

Tit For Tat

Tit For Tat

3 mins

It was 9:30 AM in the morning; everyone was really tired from the event yesterday. I got up and walked into the bathroom and was about to take the toothbrush that I saw it. I saw something horrible in the mirror. It was me, I could see my veins, my flesh and even parts of my skeleton. I looked like a half-chewed Zombie and I had no clue how it had happened. I ran into my bedroom and woke Samantha up and to my surprise, she looked the same. As soon as she got up and had one look at me she fainted in shock. My body was starting to hurt as skin really acts as a layer of protection which was gone. Suddenly, I heard someone shouting. It was coming from Lizy’s room, I rushed into her room and could not believe my eyes.

Ten days ago

We were invited as one of the guests of honour at MET Gala. Now as we were the guests of honour it was now a matter of prestige for us to look the best in the event. I had multiple connections in the fashion industry and Derek Silva was one of them. He was one of the best fashion icons in the whole country and had made careers of many celebrities with just a single designer piece. We called him over the weekend to have a detailed conversation about our requirements.

Derek – What a pleasant surprise Mr and Mrs. Pierces one of the most well known and respected families in Hollywood estate. Tell me How could I be of service.

Samantha - Thank you for giving us your time Mr Silva, we understand that you are a very busy man. As you might have heard that we have been given the honour to be one of the esteemed guests at the MET Gala this year and we would like your fashion expertise to guide us through this.

Derek - Of course, Madam!! First of all, Congratulations, Its really not easy to get the attention of the people at the MET you know. I might have been honoured a lot of times but dishonour, you have no idea how ruthless these people are. So tell me, madam, what kind of design are you looking for.

Samantha - We would like something really current that would...You know... catch the eye very easily and would even make us the star of the evening.

Derek – Of course, Madam!!! I know exactly what you are looking for…

We might have been the stars at the MET but the very next day I saw my daughter surrounded by hundreds of featherless birds scratching off the skin from her body for themselves to wear.

Just imagine if the concept of Tit For Tat really worked in the real world...

Only god knows what would happen

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