Today I'm Alone

Today I'm Alone

7 mins

I have a doting wife, a dutiful son, a caring daughter. This is my world, my family!

I met my wife when I was twenty-one. She used to visit our neighbor who was her maternal uncle. The day I first saw her, was a happy Sunday. Just after prayer service to my way home, I saw her with her cousins. She was giggling carelessly. She was dressed in a purple half-knee length pinafore and white full-sleeved turtleneck top. She tied her hair in two ponytails, girdled with white and purple satin ribbon. She had long lustrous hair caressing her hip and knees. I heard about love at first sight when my used to talk about their love affairs. She was christened Aloha (welcome); I craved for a beautiful welcome in my life in her likes!

I surmised, her age would be around sixteen. That day, the whole night I tossed and turned in my bed. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Her smiles and giggle reverberated in my mind. I wanted to talk to her but could not gather courage. I feared rejection! Some days passed and I continued observing her minutely. Yes, she captivated my heart with her careless giggle, her appealing eyes, and her dimple on her left cheek. The crinkle of her eyes when she smiled made my heart melt. Never did I observe a person, especially a woman so minutely!

Although occasionally I had light chats with her cousin brother, yet I tried to talk more to him by visiting their house trivial reasons, like borrowing a high school grammar book. My only intention was to catch the glimpse of the moon of her face. During an evening basketball match, I was passing by the basketball court. Suddenly, her cousin gave me a shout. I saw her in her sports gear. At once, I went near the court and started talking to my neighbor. They were short of a player and they knew I was a basketball player at the high school. In my heart of hearts, I prayed God that I am included in the same team where she was. True intentions are never ignored!

I was part of her team. I thanked God for hearing the plea of a true admirer. I concentrated only on her. We were losing and like a child she was about to cry. I went up to her and consoled her. Then I thought, it was the time for a jump-start. I could not see my love is upset. I gathered my team and explained my strategies. We formed a huddle and she was besides me, to my right. Without any wrong intentions, I gently put my hand on her shoulder, so did everyone, putting their arms around each other next to them. We played judiciously and tied the scores. It started to drizzle and a cool wind blew. We got drenched. We continued playing.

Thereafter, in no time, there was a heavy downpour. It was the joyous rains for me, I thought. I was under the same sky, enjoying the same breeze and the same rains as her. All took refuge under a tree expect me. I was enjoying the rain alone but she in my heart. Suddenly I got a pat on my back. I turned back and saw it was my 'paragon of beauty', my love. She urged me to take shelter under the tree. Nevertheless, her touch made me go crazier. I felt her soft hand. She too was drenched and wanted both of us to leave the open court. Then she caught me by my wrist. I felt like a kite, which had its control in the hands of an elegant beauty. Ultimately, we reached the tree for shelter. The rain subdued. I wished it continued so that I could continue standing beside her under the tree. The whole night I caught hold of my wrist, which she had gently held.

I was not a dunce at school. Now I thought my studies had taken a back seat. All day I was engrossed in her thoughts. My mother asked me to fetch some milk. I thought, if only I could see her once again! As I passed by my neighbour's house, I caught a glimpse of her. She was watering the sunflower plants in the garden. I stopped for a while thinking she would notice me. Glory be mine! She dropped the water pipe and moved towards the fence where I stood. She wished me a happy morning. I knew her wish would make my entire day. She queried as to where I was heading. I told her my purpose.

She urged me to wait for a while as she too had some requirements from the market. Oh, how happy I was to accompany her! We walked towards the market place. The sky was overcast and again that similar cool breeze blew. No one broke the ice even after a few steps was covered towards the market. Suddenly, both of us pronounced a single word 'coffee'. I thought, this was what I was thinking to ask! We walked to the coffee shop immediately. I ordered coffee for us. I was so excited that I did not even ask her choice of coffee. I knew it was the opportunity to speak my heart, out. As the coffee arrived, she said it was her most favourite coffee too. I thought I hit the bull's eye! As she consumed the third sip, I looked at her. She just raised her eyebrows, as if questioning what do you intend to tell? The cup caressed her lips. It started raining and the tin rooftop blocked our sounds. She said me suddenly that she had fallen for me. My heart leaped as she uttered those words. My eyes were about to drizzle but simultaneously I could not help smiling. I caught her hand and said what I felt for her too. That was the day I was sanguine to spend the rest of my life with her.

We entered the next phase of our lives. We were pronounced as Man and Wife. We needed each other for our complete specification. Years rolled by and our love grew even stronger! There was occasional sulk on her part. In addition, as a good man, I placated her. Every anniversary we went to that coffee shop to celebrate our oneness. She gifted me with the most beautiful and precious gifts of my life, my twins. It was a new responsibility. I realized how she toiled to keep our family going. My children were very manageable. Years passed, and her priorities shifted toward our children. I was jealous initially but thought that is how life is. My children became well settled in life. I was happy and thankful to my love for her contributions and sacrifices for our family. We were friends to our children, had full faith on them that they would not wrong us.

 I started to grow old. I saw her grey hair, the wrinkle on her face, her sagging skin. He panted if she worked for a little longer. Again, on a day, it was overcast and the similar breeze blew. I lamented about my salad days. I sat on my rocking chair. Sunflowers planted by my love surrounded me. Suddenly, she was carrying two cups on a tray and moved towards me. It was our favorite espresso coffee. I felt like gifting her sunflower. I plucked a flower, made her sit and gifted her  a sunflower. I offered her to take a sip from the same cup, which I did. It felt like the same first day at the coffee joint. She then narrated me how she first felt for me. I was surprised that she too longed for catching a glimpse of me; She said me!

"Do not cry when I am no more, because I shall not be there to wipe your tears". We promised each other earlier and now that only death could do us apart!

I cried after hearing this. She wiped my tears. She said she was blessed to grow in my love. So, did I ! I lay my head on her lap. She caressed my hair. It started to drizzle. I caught hold of her, drenched her in similar happy rain. The coffee cup filled with happy waters. Soon our children joined us. But prohibited us to get drenched as we caught  cold easily now at this age.

Noel and Aloha, the best ever names together in my view; I was named so as I was born on the Christmas eve

Christmas Eve, that night, I suffered from fever. I could see her salad day's face, we were walking hand in hand to the coffee shop.

The sky was overcast………..

They laid my lifeless body in a glass-covered coffin vehicle! Upon the glass cover, it was encrypted,


Yes, I am alone now, I am not there to wipe her tears!

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