Karuna Gautam



Karuna Gautam


Tragedy In Teens

Tragedy In Teens

3 mins

A girl named Astha was a pretty joyful person who was 14 years. She used to be understanding and friendly. She had a lot of friends who were always by her side. She was never insecure about her decisions and words.

One day she was really happy because she got something special from her parents. But that night she had a horrifying nightmare. It left a deep impact on her brain. From that day on she was sacred of sleeping every night. She always used to pray and worship God every night. Time went by it has already been 2 years. She never thought a joyful person could be such an introverted person in 2 years who was herself. She didn't have many friends almost no one. The financial state of her family was also weak. Always had a sad face and gained a lot of weight. A joyful person turned into an introvert and didn't open up with anyone, no one could believe but they were getting used to it. Coming Wednesday she was turning 16. Almost none of her family nor anyone remembered her birthday.

On Wednesday she prayed to god and said happy birthday to me to herself. She was so sad that day that she couldn't bear it so she said "today is my birthday is no one going to wish me" to her family. Her mother gave her 100rupees,stepmother gave her 50 rupees. Altogether 150 but she wanted to buy new clothes but that money even couldn't even buy her favorite chocolate. While her sister got 700 on her birthday. She was feeling lonely. While walking around she stepped on scissors and wounded herself and thought I am unlucky and didn't care about it. Suddenly she felt pain in her feet and it was bleeding her family was busy doing their stuff so she didn't disturb them. She washed her feet and applied antiseptic and covered them with bandaid And cried silently. Winter was coming after a month but something unfortunate happened her grandpa was really ill. He was diagnosed with cancer, kidney failure, joints dislocation and he went through many surgeries in a month. And was discharged from the hospital after a month. His voice was almost gone he used talking through his hand's actions. She used to take care of him. All family members used to work and her sister never helped her with any chores.

Even though she used to take care of her grandpa all the time but he always curses at her.While everyone was enjoying their teenage life she as always sad and depressed about it and was also compared like a slave by others

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