1 min

My maid entered visibly upset today.

"why Uma? you seem so sick?"

I had become sensitive to this person, as it was she who had selflessly taken up my toughest household jobs when I suffered orthopaedic problems.

"My husband is not working for three months.

He has gone to sit with his mother in the village, and wants me and my children to go and sit at my parent's house."

I was disturbed at the news. I did not want to lose Uma.

I suggested that why should she go? "you are already earning?"

"He abused me and said. The beggar earns more... I also lost my temper. He has now telephoned my father, to come and take me away, because I am ill-tempered." Tears of desperation started flowing her eyes.

Uma is poor. But is the condition of educated women who are not bringing in money, any better? It all boils down to LET ME SEE MONEY. THEN YOU ARE HONEY.

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