Simran Pandita



Simran Pandita


Undying love

Undying love

4 mins

Sangita, a generous, charismatic, and open-hearted woman lived in a big city named Mumbai. She always had a desire to live her life on her terms, which was never fulfilled. She had a lot going on in her life but she never gave up, the only positive thing she thought she had in her life. One hidden talent which she realized after a very long period of time was her imagination skills. Initially, she used to get very anguish, and cranky with her imagination and it seems frailty to her. She never knew it would become her strength. Her imagination skills were tremendous and she could compete with the top-notch scriptwriters. She created a world of imagination in her head where everything was just perfect and fixed. A thing which she realized was common in her fantasies - A person who would love her purely. In the back of her mind, she had a fear that this wish wouldn't be possible until she get her life fixed. Simultaneously, there was a hope that someone would love and accept her with the broken wings. She could've connected with everyone but she couldn't do it. She had fewer folks in her life with whom she shared a very close bond. 

With the passage of time, she changed a little bit. From extrovert to introvert, purposeless to purposeful, home to coaching, coaching to the home type of person. But that void of having a partner was still there. She tried every possible way to suppress it but nothing worked. One fine day while going to coaching, a friend called her and they did talk about a lot of stuff. After listening to her problems, he introduced her to one of his friends, named Niketan, who he thought could help her. After having a conversation with him that day turned bright for her. She thought she found the one and was on cloud nine. Unable to decide whether it was coincidence or fate, she started dreaming about him. Life had some other plans for her and it was her misunderstanding and expectations that broke her. Without even knowing or meeting that person, her hopes were high. That person was never interested in her but hope was there like always. She had no idea, what she wanted to do with this matter. She never showed, she had just in her heart inwardly she never confessed either her love. Niketan never used to ping her, it was always her. There came a time when he started ignoring her, and she was shattered all in one minute. There was one thing that was still alive in her which was everlasting love for him. Over the years, she was used to living with one-sided love. Niketan went to London for his studies, she had no contact with him but there was still a hope that SOMEDAY THEY WILL SURELY MEET, which never came true. The feelings remained in her heart for her whole life. On his every birthday, she used to buy gifts for him and store them. She moved on in her life but that love could never move on. She was doing well in her life but that one void could never be fulfilled. She remembered him every day even on her last days. In her last moments, she recollected all his memories and took his photograph with her. She made her brother promise her that he would tell Niketan, how much she loved him and also dedicate him with the gift she made long back after her death.

While separating, many of us promise our partners that we will keep loving them as long as we live. Then why does that promising break, why our love fades away? why can't they see me that way? This question never lets us sleep peacefully. We regret loving them. We constantly think about why they left us. Expectations don't exist in love. What I felt is Love never stops us from doing anything. It liberates us and if it's bounding us then I don't think it's love. 

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