Unleash The Power Within You!

Unleash The Power Within You!

4 mins

Chilling weather outside. Minus degree temperature in December and then it went below one degree the best thing I did was, I cuddled up with my kid, my portable heater, held my hot chocolate cup, and warmed up myself with a comforter. After a while I was feeling warm, safe, secured and comfortable in that place, I created my comfort place. Now the irritation part comes when my hysband shouts out my name for some work. I hated to get out of my comforter. I tried pushing my mind to think 10 times to get up, ignore to answer my husband, then finally pulled out myself from the couch. Sounds familiar isn't it? It's just a simple example to tell that how much we love our comfort zone and don't dare to get out of it. If we think a little deeper, Comfort zone is the state of mind and ofcourse a beautiful place where we are at ease, familiar with the ambiance, we feel a kind of security and safety, but if we want to grow we have to step out of our comfort zones.

A few months back I was enjoying my comfort zone, with my daily routine revolving around my family, kid and spouse. My life was surrounded with them only. I left my job after my delivery and it was a conscious decision to be a stay at home mom. As my kid started growing up and getting busier with his own activities I developed this sudden urge of doing something to feel the independence to get an identity of my own, but to start every thing from scratch after a break of almost 7 years gave me goosebumps.

One fine day while at my leisure time I was browsing and came across Momspresso site. I found it to be interesting and started reading articles published in it. I used to write when I was in college but never dared to share it with any one because I was not confident enough. My thoughts, poems and stories all were caged in a small brown diary which was very close to my heart. Momspresso compelled me to take that diary out of cupboard. I shared my feelings with my better half and he gave me the best suggestion ever he asked me to write, write in Momspresso. Initially, I was very hesitant, I felt I am not ready for it, not ready to take a step to work on my Passion. I couldn't manage time, the priorities were oscillating like a pendulum. There were days when I used to sit for writing and some or the other household work, personal commitment, nursing my kid, attending all the needs and requirements all came my way like hurdles, those days were like dark days when I lost confidence in myself, that I cannot manage both the things equally (managing home and working on my Passion). I decided to quit writing. I actually did, But then I thought of all working mothers who were managing home and work, the bloggers in Momspresso who are just like me, home managers and still manage to steal their "me time" to fulfill their passion, that very moment I decided to take that one step out of my comfort zone, I started managing time, slowly and steadily I became a pro in stealing my "me time" and started blogging. The response and encouragement I got from my friends, family and readers boosted up my moral. Clouds of happiness, opportunities started floating, there were no more dark days dark clouds of rain or storm only clear sky with rainbow to add colour into my life. I realised that dark days made me more strong or to be more precise I was already strong but situations helped me to prove it to myself.

So what I learned from my own experience is that there is no point in regretting later for the chances and risks we never took. Comfort zone is definitely a safe secure and beautiful place but it never actually helps us to grow. The actual life we dream of lies beyond that zone. We have to let go off the life we are familiar with and take that risk to lead a life we dreamt of.

When you start feeling safe and comfortable,you kind of get stagnant there willbe no growth. You will never get fame or glory unless you try to do things you never did. The best comes out when we are exposed to opportunities and possibilities not when we are covered secured and safe. God has planned everything for us in a manner to bring the best out of us. Nothing will happen without his permission and he puts us in difficult situations with a purpose behind it. So we should keep peace, have faith in God and take the risk to come out of the comfort zone.

So go ahead pick up the dice roll them up and take the gamble! 

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