Thinz Lei

Drama Classics Others


Thinz Lei

Drama Classics Others

We're Just The Same

We're Just The Same

2 mins

Someone told me, " Wish I was like you; you seem so brave, quiet, and calm.

"Really?" I answered her.

 she nodded

I looked at her with a bittersweet smile and said,

"If you only knew..."

I sighed and continued, "I was just like you too."

"Have you ever been afraid and worried too? Have you ever cried too?" she asked!

"Yes, most of the time," I answered softly while looking at the sky.

She just looked at me and sat quietly, and there was a long moment of silence before we finally parted ways.

It's just that I've been scared too, and lately, the night scares me the most. Ghosts don't scare me, but the night does. I'm not afraid of the dark, but the thought of it does. Darkness visited me every night. Failures, regrets, worries, and missed opportunities haunt me. . The thought of it is like a very sharp blade that slowly cuts my heart, passes through my lungs, and weakens my body.It makes my heart bleed and tears fall like a vast ocean.It suffocates me until I can't breathe, yet no one knows. because, like a night, it's dark and cannot be seen.

People don't see me cry because they often think I am stronger than them; indeed,it might be true, yet they never know I am drowning in my own tears too.

Like everyone else, I've been facing battles too, and just like most of them, maybe I'm just good at hiding them too.

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