Rashmi Raj



Rashmi Raj




5 mins

I decided to do further studies because my mother insisted thinking just a degree won't be enough for today's competitive world. Got into Christ University which was Christ College autonomous then. Towards the mid of first semester exams on the way to college with my dad fell from the bike still don't remember how. By the time I opened my eyes it was already late night. The first thing that I realised was I had missed my exam. It was hard for me to identify people around me including my parents. Took a month for me to recover and it was already time for end semester exams. Managed to clear the exam with a first class though not happy with the marks I got. 

As I stepped into second semester was focused on doing better to cover-up the percentage that I had not got in first semester. It's was the year of mobile phones evolution with Nokia's Basic Model 1100 in full bloom then. My mom set time as 10 min a day with 10msg to send because it was the 1 day 100 SMS pack we had that was shared by me and two of my sisters. This time wrote exams with the aim to get a distinction atleast and yes could make it.

Third semester was the time when the most unexpected thing happened. I was again focussed on doing better than second semester. Mid semester were around the corner when on an eve my mom called me to her room closing the door she said "I wanted to tell you something serious and important". I asked her "What mom? All okay?". She said "Hmmm someone is coming to see you. Don't say anything remember you have two sisters who are younger to you". It did not go to my head for sometime that my mom was talking about 'the interview'. I simply went back to my room. It was after an hour I realised rushed to my mom and said "What are you talking about? No way I am only 22". Then my mom said "They are coming does not mean you will get married". I thought for a second and was like "Oh yeah! Even I can disagree". Did not worry much on it because I was more focussed on studying for exams then. That weekend I had the so called Matrimonial interview. It was August 13th. I finished my first paper of mid semester exams. My mom was waiting for me to come back from college. She took the bag from as I was near the gate. I felt then something was seriously wrong. My mom said "Get ready dear, they are coming to see you.". Before I replied my dad stared, I cursed myself for being a girl and walked to my room. My sisters had the chance to tease me as first 'Bakara' and both were taking full advantage of my silence. The meeting happened I hardly spoke. My parents were excited because the gentleman who was coming to see me was leaving to USA very soon was just waiting for L1 visa approval. When the so called boy-girl talk happened in a room I only told this "I have exams please let me study". They all left I was very confident that they will not respond because I had hardly responded for anything that was asked. The next day morning the phone rang, I heard my mom screaming "it's a yes from them". She came to me and said "I know you won't say no, remember you are the eldest. You will also be flying to New York. They have agreed seeing you quite and calm while I was actually fuming within only thing that was missing was smoke from my ears". I couldn't believe what was happening. August 15th was the second meeting scheduled between my exams again. I was busy with books thinking I have an year to do with studies till then there is time for everything else. After an hour of talking my parents came and dropped bombs that was terrifying than those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. My mom said August 19th is the engagement and August 30th is the wedding. I was like "Which August, whose wedding?". My dad said "This August my dear four days from now, Your engagement followed by wedding". By the time I realised I was getting married it was over. With all the efforts I missed distinction by two marks. In a span of 19 days the interview, engagement and wedding was all over. Even to this day on every August 15th my husband says "It was the day when India got independence and you were decided to become dependent".

It took time for me to realise that I was actually married. I am Libran and it was now time for me balance my life with studies and 'the household work'. A lot of new people and new place I had hard time focusing on studies. With all support that I got, could get a distinction. On the day of graduation The Dean called me and said "I am glad you could complete your studies. Infact you have the best of your marks in your fourth semester after your wedding. That's a good change isn't it?". I thought for a minute and replied "Yes! A big change indeed Sir. While all of my friends walkout today as young,energetic and independent ladies and gentlemen, I will walk out as a woman and a dependent of a gentleman". 

Two years later my classmate sent a mail "Hey! I am coming to New York after my wedding, can we meet up?".

I replied saying "Hi Dear, I shall meet you in Bangalore, before you leave. I did not go anywhere. I am in India that day, today and every day. Many like you were surprised seeing me here only because the reason why I got married in a rush was I would be moving to New York City. 

While this is where I am destined to be. As the Google Lady says "Your destination has arrived". 

My friend was more curious to know I guess she asked me " Is it a love marriage or arranged marriage? Are U happy with whatever you are? ". I replied saying "Yes its a love marriage. But the only difference is we started loving eachother after our marriage. As a part of life differences will be there but it's up to you as to how long you carry it. I always wanted to be a teacher and so am I and I am thankful for all because whatever has happened is for good".

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