Archana Pushkaran

Drama Inspirational Others


Archana Pushkaran

Drama Inspirational Others

Welcome To My Paradise.

Welcome To My Paradise.

2 mins

Viewing the sky from my office seat, my eyes gleamed. Hurrying to shut down my laptop, I sanitize my hands and put on my mask, it was going to rain anytime soon and I could hardly wait to reach home and enjoy the weather. As I frantically enter my cab, it rains. Gazing out of my window seat, watching people in motion wearing colorful masks, was what I enjoyed viewing, on my way back home. Dinner was wholesome, tonight. Sipping my lemon tea, I move towards my balcony. The view from here was something I couldn’t afford to miss before hitting my bed. I see lights everywhere, vehicles honking with their headlights blinking, the warm yellow streetlights, lights from the apartments and so many other lights. Finally, I head towards my bed to sleep with my thoughts where my vivid imaginations, cluster together to create my very own paradise. 

The view here, guided me through the route to enter the gate of my dreams, tonight. I visualize myself, counting the lights. But wait, I felt I was missing something. To reconfirm, I open my eyes and rush to my balcony. Scanning every corner, I hear saying to myself, “No, I haven’t missed a single piece”. Nodding my head, I move towards my bedroom, yet my mind provoked me to rush to the balcony again. In frustration this time, my eyes slowly moved towards the sky, and oh dear, I missed the Moonlight. My heart ached to realize this. He stood there all night watching me from above, waiting for my glance and I forget to count him in. Oh, dear!! We all are so lost, amidst these lights, like people who can blink in and out of our lives. We are so trapped in their artificial glow, not knowing that they can put us in the dark when their time isn’t right. They can be replaced anywhere and at any time. They come with a bill and we pay a price. And, when these lights dim, we look up to this moon, to share our sorrows, our secrets, our tears, and our fears. No matter the times, we forget him or ignore him, he will never whine. He is irreplaceable and needs no electricity to be fed to charge you up. The next morning when I woke up, I saw him standing right before my eyes. He, my father, the moon of my paradise.

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