Debanjan Kundu



Debanjan Kundu


SHORTS: Photography For Me

SHORTS: Photography For Me

1 min

Photography is a blend of art and one's perspective, that they can pursue to their heart's content, and end up brewing their unique concoction. And who knew, that a habit i absorbed, in an attempt to escape verbal interaction, will turn into my Hobby?

I distinctly remember, the first time I peeped through the pin-hole in the camera, i found the world present itself before me in an entirely different aesthetic manner! The usual naked eye misses out on so many coveted details, that the nature unravels, in front of a lens! A single *click* is enough for a person to immortalize a moment for eternity, and this sense of captivating beauty in an instant was too overwhelming for me to neglect.

People pose and so does nature. Have you not seen a bird flap it's wings in ecstatic joy as it bathes? Have winds, that rustle the leaves, not blown away your mind alike? Do waves not triumphantly gallop to display their vigor to the intermittent shutter? Does the curve in a smile not seem analogous to that of a winding valley? This endless list tantalizes my mind and encourages my craving for looking at the world, through the 2"x2" window of the camera.

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