Glowing Dreams

Drama Tragedy Inspirational


Glowing Dreams

Drama Tragedy Inspirational

When She Said, I am Okay

When She Said, I am Okay

6 mins

Waking up from a hounding dream, Aryan was not able to sleep. He goes to the kitchen and drinks water. Natasha also wakes up and finds Aryan is not there. Worried for him, Natasha comes to him and asks, "What has happened to you?" I have never seen you like this before; she asks if anything is bothering you. Aryan says, "Nothing. Let's go to sleep". 


The next day, while driving, a voice flashes in his mind, with a face of a woman whose eyes are filled with pain and fear. Suddenly Aryan loses his balance and gets injured. He is taken to the hospital. 


Here, Natasha gets a call from the hospital. Devastated and worried, she reaches the hospital. She asks the doctor, "What happened to him? How is he?" The doctor says he is fine. It was a minor accident.


The doctor then asks Natasha, "Is he going through any problems? I mean, is he stressed about something?" Natasha blankly says, "I don't know." The doctor says, "Don't worry. He will be fine". With tears in their eyes, she goes to see Aryan. She tells him, while he is unconscious, "We are childhood lovers, and now husband and wife. Still, I couldn't understand that you are going through problems. But I promise as soon as you get fine, we will go through it together." 


The next day, Aryan gains consciousness and sees Natasha sleeping on a chair beside him. He smiles and caresses her face. Natasha wakes up and gets teary eyes, and hugs him tightly. She asks him to tell her now what is bothering him. He makes her sit and says, "I am okay." 


He then tells her, "You remember, I went to Nainital last month to meet Nani. There, Nani was invited to a function, where I met a girl, Ayat. Nani told me she was going to get married soon. I congratulated her, and she thanked me in a very feeble voice. I thought she got shy. Then again, I met her when I went to the house's backyard to call you. I heard someone crying. When I searched, I found Ayat. 


When she noticed me, she turned away, and I asked, Are you okay? She turned towards me and said, I am okay and went away. You know what I saw? She had immense fear in her eyes but still saying I am okay. This struck my mind, and suddenly my past started flashing in front of my eyes. 


Before mom's death, I saw the same pain and fear in her eyes. When I asked her, Are you okay? She said, I am okay, and after a week, I got the news of her death. I was devastated, but I was shocked more when the doctor said she was suffering from mental stress and depression. I couldn't believe that mom was suffering so much. 


Then Nani told me about the reason for mom's death. She told me that dad never loved mom. He always criticized her and blamed her for every problem in his life. He didn't even attend to her when she fell sick. Nani asked mom to leave dad. But she said because of me, she couldn't leave dad because dad told her if she left him, then he would not pay money for my education or anything. I broke hearing this, and from that day, I blamed myself every day that I couldn't save mom. I was filled with guilt and haunting memories of her pain. I was able to cope with the painful memories with your help. But after meeting Ayat, I am not able to live peacefully. I don't know what to do; I am not able to live.


Seeing Aryan crying and not able to control himself, Natasha hugs him. He calms down. Natasha tells him," Go and save yourself." Natasha holds Aryan's hand and says, "If you want to come out from your past and save your mom, then go and help Ayat. You couldn't save your mom, but you can save yourself from guilt by saving Ayat".


Aryan gets emotional and affirms to Natasha that he will go. Next day, Aryan reaches Nainital. He goes to Ayat's house, where her wedding is taking place. He reaches the hall and finds out that her wedding is the day after tomorrow.


He tries to reach Ayat but in vain. So he goes to Nani's place and tells her everything. She gets teary eyes. She tells him I would not let another daughter face the same consequences. So they both decide to the wedding.


On the wedding day, Aryan and Nani both reach the venue. Nani tells Aryan to go and talk to Ayat. He tells Nani, "You go and talk to her because you can talk more comfortably with her." Nani holds Aryan's face with a smile and says, "It is not about Ayat only. It is about you also. You have been suffering from guilt for the past 5 years. It is time to let go of this guilt and make a new start. So you should only go." Aryan shakes her head and goes to search for Ayat's room. 


He comes through the window in Ayat's room. She gets shocked and starts shouting. Aryan closes her mouth and tells her to calm down. He tells her everything and asks," Are you happy with this marriage? If you are happy, I will go; if you are not, tell me. I will help you. Ayat starts crying and tells him, "I don't want to marry." 


Aryan pacifies her and tells her, "We all have our fights. We have to fight it. I know fighting for yourself means fighting and your family. It is difficult and sometimes even impossible. But you know what? When my mom died, only I was affected. Because I love her so much that her pain still haunts me. Now, seeing you, I can't let you suffer the same pain. I am with you. And I will help you to save yourself. But this is your fight, you have to fight, and I will not let anyone harm you. I promise you". With a little encouragement on her face, Ayat tells Aryan that she will fight for herself because she doesn't want another Aryan to lose her mother. Aryan, with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes, holds Ayat's hand and comes to the wedding hall. 


Everyone gets shocked and accuses Aryan and Ayat. Ayat's family scolds Ayat. Ayat tells her parents, "I do not want to marry. I always lived according to you, but I cannot betray myself this time by marrying someone I don't know. She then walks away from the wedding hall and runs towards her favourite place, Hill Park. Aryan also runs behind her. He comes and sits beside Ayat. Ayat tells her, whenever I felt crying, I came here. 

But this place will not see me crying but only my happiness this time. Aryan gets happy seeing Ayat smiling. Ayat, thanks Aryan. Aryan, tell her, "Thanks to you because you saved me from my pain and my past. Now I can sleep peacefully." He thanks his mom, and Natasha Ayat says," You are very lucky you have Natasha." Aryan says I love her so much. Ayat and Aryan sit there and see the sunset with laughter echoing in the hills.

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