સ્તુતિ પંડ્યા

Children Stories Inspirational Others


સ્તુતિ પંડ્યા

Children Stories Inspirational Others

Why fear of the board?

Why fear of the board?

1 min

There was a boy. The boy used to go on a road once every year where he had to work hard to go.

The parents of the boy would also prepare him to go on the road. The boy worked hard without any anxiety and passed the road.

Now, like every year, he had to go back to the same road, but this time a tollbooth was set up by the government in the road where he had to reach his destination by showing evidence of his identity documents.

He used to go on the road every year but he never worried or feared.

On the same road, only a toll came there and people began to give him advice on how to go, what to do, what not to do.

So the boy and his parents also be worried about how the road would pass.

Now you answer.

What is this way?

What is this government tollbooth?

If you understand, please do not fear the children's minds.

Create a simple and favorable atmosphere.

Do not force the children to bring 80%marks to the children whose last exams were 50%or 60%marks.

Each child is different and let them think in their own way.

Believe in your children, tell them that we trust that you can do it, you are special.

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