Write Down The Issue Please!

Write Down The Issue Please!

1 min

The biting winter chill forced me outside to bask in the warm sunlight. As I spread myself out on the mat, I noticed three children playing board games near me. The youngest might be around 7 years old. He had this habit. While playing with his cousins-whose parents he referred to as chacha-chachi, he frequently got angry and started sulking.

He would go away and stroll afar, or ride a swing. But each time within a few minutes, he wanted to join back the game. He would not say sorry. Instead, he will write a note to his brother and go and drop it near him. Anyway, the other two elders will say sorry and the junior gleefully will join. I found one such note that flew near me. This gave me a wild idea and I thought of sharing.

If two people are fighting and if they are supposed to write everything instead of shouting will they continue the fight?. Instead of writing all those long verbal issues they may prefer to shut up or write a simple sorry and there won't be any fights!!

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