Writing - My Inspiration

Writing - My Inspiration

4 mins

 We see many people around us who give up from circumstances. But today's story is of a girl who took inspiration from her tough circumstances and made a new IDENTITY for herself and gave a new direction and goal to her life.

 DEPRESSION is like a termite in our life which keeps hollowing our confidence day by day. Sometimes the Depression increases to such an extent that even in every positive situation we see negativity. And then no matter how much we try, bcoz we lose that motivation to do any work. Because negativity surrounds us. But over time, we start to understand what are the things that can reduce our stress. Today's story is also related to one such girl suffering from stress. In today's time, every human being is a victim of this stress for some reason. 

Sometimes we get stressed due to some things on which we have no control like our Looks about our background. So sometimes some situations happen that we start feeling very lonely and broken. Where we start to think that maybe something cannot be right now in life. Something similar happened with Nisha. *NISHA* A girl who is very intelligent in studies, topped every college competition. She always had only one dream - to do something different in life and to become a big officer. She always topped in her schooling. There was a different passion in her to win. 

The dream of going to college was also fulfilled in which she performed well in every field. Graduation passed by the first position in college and was now preparing for the Masters. But perhaps luck had something else approved. Nisha's graduation was complete; from now on, the family members started putting pressure on her for the wedding. Because the elders of the household and relatives believed that the girl should not be taught much. So if graduation is done, Nisha should get married quickly. But Nisha ignored all things and applied for admission to the Masters in college. And she got her name in the first list in the city's largest and best college. But it was clearly denied by the family members that if she wants to study, then she can do self-study at home, there is no need to go to college. 

Today was the last date for document verification Nisha went to college. She submitted all the documents. But she knew that no matter how much she tried, her every effort would fail because no one would even try to understand her and her dream. Going against everyone, she came to college today, but now what will happen to admission. Thinking this, she sat on the road outside the college and cried for the entire hour. Nothing could be understood what to do now and how to convince everyone that she too has to do something big in her life. And finally, every hope of hers was broken. When her family refused to get admission. 

Now Nisha used to cry all day at home because maybe every dream of hers was broken. The passion she had to become an officer to do something different, had probably cooled down now. Whose place was now replaced by a DEPRESSION that never let her live alone. She always kept worrying about her dream which had gone out of her hands. 

Suddenly one day wrote her pain on a paper, after which she felt something good as if there is someone between her and this Depression so that she can share with whom everything without any fear. After this, whenever she was sad, she would start writing something. Sitting alone, she started to praise the moon and stars. To see nature and to praise it in her write-ups as it became her hobby because it used to stay in its midst she forgets all her problems. So whenever there was free time, she would start writing poems. The passion to do something different that had been left far behind now started to feel again. 

In this way, she gradually made this Depression her talent. She got an inspiration from her bad times also bcoz the depression due to which she started writing, that writing today now had become her a new identity.

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