Sumona Maiti

Classics Inspirational


Sumona Maiti

Classics Inspirational

Yes I Can!

Yes I Can!

2 mins

Yes I can these three words make all the differences, the difference between failure and success, the impossible and possible. Strong will power can only change one’s dream into reality. Everyone wants success. Everyone strive for it. But unfortunately does not get it. Those who do not get success get dejected and start thinking that success is not in their fate. Many of us find ourselves in this predicament. The student set for the exam is rattled by last minute nerves. Here one thing is require we can boost up our will power that is the pathway of perfection. We can learn it from our past where ancient seers conceived perfections and prescribe the route of it. The Bhagwad Gita expounds on perfection in the mindset of human’s weakness.

According to the Bhagwad Gita, the battle field(the challenging world) in which Arjuna(the individual)was placed. When the Pandava and Kauravas assembled on the battle field, Arjuna asked Krishna, his charioteer, to drive him between patriarch Bhishma, his revered guru Dronacharya and many family members arranged in the opposing army. His resolve to fight a battle is shaken and overwhelmed Arjuna. Then Krishna gave him the knowledge and pathway of perfection or success. Krishna defines a perfect person one who gave him has completely abandoned all desires as a result of being fulfilled in the self by the self. It is the desire that take away your might and power. Desire comes in the way of success. Unfulfilled desire agitates the mind and causes stress. Desire enslave and weakens you. To regain perfection you need to drop desire. However desire cannot just be washed away. You can only take up a higher desire that is more gratifying. The lower fascination drop of their own records.

Let’s not get disheartened by setback, celebrate our positives, whether we get what we want or not, just working for it would have improved us and shaped us into a better personality. When failure knocks us down, let’s refuse to be defected. Let’s continue to do what we love, no matter what it may be. It is important that we have the destination as our focal point. We should learn to enjoy and take pleasure in the journey as much as we relish the taste of success.

 ‘Everyone falls down getting backup is how you learn to walk.’

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