Somya Upadhyay

Abstract Fantasy Inspirational


Somya Upadhyay

Abstract Fantasy Inspirational

You Are The Mirror...

You Are The Mirror...

1 min

How strange is it to look at your own self in the mirror sometimes! You have been doing it for so long, you just know what you have to look at and no matter how hard you look, you can never have a first impression except for that one lucky first time. Do you remember the first time you saw yourself? Can you unlearn your face and have a look again from the eyes of a stranger? Can you let yourself know that you are so unique that the universe took all the time to send your stardust together with a package of magic? Can you believe for once that you are beautiful in your uniqueness and not crib at that scar that your eyes repel? Can you, for once, tear your image apart and see how beautiful your soul is?

So, stop waiting for the mirror. Splash your vibrance all across the world because you are the mirror of a universe in ecstatic motion! 

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