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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

saiprakash kuntamukkala



saiprakash kuntamukkala




1 min


Not all times but I ask myself this question

Am I alone God !

The answer I receive is always in the negative

How can you be alone!

You have a body that hosts a magnificent soul 

A soul in a well defined body

You have many celestial bodies to aid your existence

The twinkling stars sun and the moon 

Those shooting stars 

Though rare a rainbow and the horizon 

The flora and fauna

The southern breeze 

The shadow from behind or infront

The hooting owls even in the dark midnights 

Never tiring waves 

The meadows and Brooks 

The mountains and valleys 

Plateau and plains 

Gushing rivers 

Vast oceans 

Dormant and active volcanoes

The sand dunes of the desert

Chilling poles of North and South

These and many more 

No-one is alone 

You are never a lone portrait

On the creator's wide and spectacular unframed canvas 

Open your eyes from within and beyond 

You can hear not a whisper but a loud announcement

You were never alone

You are never alone

You won't be able to exist alone

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