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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

kibet Robert

Abstract Romance Classics


kibet Robert

Abstract Romance Classics

Come My Friend...

Come My Friend...

1 min

Come, friend, lets debate I and dear You

Come, friend, like beings of minds

Side by side like banks of a river

 The subject being the river

Let's debate its course has it flows

Lets by keen meditation debate love

Its dregs, its pie, and its seam, 

We shall praise

We shall mourn

We shall admire

We shall envy

We shall solace

We shall incite hope

We shall condemn

We shall mute when it floods

We cannot venture to debate what submerges us

(wise is he who debates with a fool?

Wise he who knows his chains...)

We cannot go beyond what we cannot see

We shall mute when it floods, however, 

When it shall recede, and once again within

Our bound, we shall have the eyes to see

And the seal of Wise-men to debate once more

And much more, there will be more

For when much shall be left, much shall be brought

When the river recedes and is within our bind

Come, friend, lets debate I and dear You

Come, friend, like beings of minds

Side by side like banks of a river

The subject being the river

Let's debate its course has it flows

Lets by keen meditation debate love

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