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DrGoutam Bhattacharyya

Abstract Inspirational Others


DrGoutam Bhattacharyya

Abstract Inspirational Others

Free will vs Destiny

Free will vs Destiny

2 mins

On the very eve of this little poem,

With folded hands, I bow with solemn. 

Forgive me for my mistakes, if any,

I may have committed it unknowingly.

Don't judge anybody, says scripture,

For we actually lack the vision to judge.

Therefore, we come across the adage:

That says, ‘Thou shalt not judge’.

His free will , did Judas exercise ? 

or, was he just being a pawn, of Destiny’s.

Conspire against, how can anyone?

The will of God; and to harm His son?

To Christ, Had Judas not betrayed ,

The divine drama couldn’t be scripted.

Cleansing the sins of mankind,

Through the blood of the Son of God.

The debate of 'Free-will versus Destiny',

Time and again, human minds keep asking.

Kaikeyi, one who loved Rama so well,

How could she so adamantly force 'exile'?

Revered 'Sant Tulsidas' has an explanation,

Rama was an avatar on a divine mission.

He came to oust the earth, of the burden of evil,

Had he not exiled, the demons, who would kill?

His sojourn in the forest was required,

An entire sequence of events later followed.

Would Kaikeyi, who loved Rama so dearly,

Could’ve forced her free will, the hardship of exile?

 The Devas knew very well, that she wouldn’t,

Thus, the tusk was given to 'goddess of knowledge', at last.

King Dasharatha was so shocked that,

The shattered father died soon after Rama left.

Rama, the all-knowing, bears no ill will to Kaikeyi,

Jesus bears no ill will towards Judas, similarly.


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