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Wasique Hussain

Abstract Inspirational


Wasique Hussain

Abstract Inspirational

God's Own World

God's Own World

1 min

Eyes tearful

Throat dried

Passionate heart

But the psyche burnt

Shaky body

Depressed soul

Tyranies galore

That's your world

God's own world

Might is right

Might is always right

Why is the might always right?

Might is of the powerful

Might is for the powerful

Ruled by tyrant

Oh! How tyrant a society!

Kids raped

Women burnt alive

The weak brutalized

Victims behind the bar

The victimizers in the Parliament

Karma fucked in broad daylight

For the weak it isn't meant

The weak are to be pushed to the wall- always

Karma is of the powerful

Karma is for the powerful

Rickety body

Stammering tongue

Unfed brain

Challenging the tyrant

We cry justice

Justice is the cry of the weak

Has the world ever been just?

Justice is of the powerful

Justice is for the powerful

In oppressed times

With eyes watering

Body kneeling

Soul surrendered

Hands to heaven raised

We pray to God:

Let peace prevail

Let justice be the rule

To the weak does God listen?

God is of the powerful

God is for the powerful

And the weak?

They are to be pushed to the wall- always

That's your world

God's own world

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