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Snigdha Sinha

Drama Crime Inspirational


Snigdha Sinha

Drama Crime Inspirational

No, It Wasn't a Fairy Tale

No, It Wasn't a Fairy Tale

1 min

I moved into a house full of unknown people,

Because I was tricked into believing that life over there,

Would be like a fairy tale;

The life I had thought would be like a dream,

Slowly turned into a living hell,

No, it wasn't a fairy tale;

On our first night, he didn't make me blush,

But only made me bleed and cry,

No, it wasn't a fairy tale;

He didn't bring me roses or teddy bears,

But only showered me with stones and thorns,

No, it wasn't a fairy tale;

He didn't view me as a human with a heart,

But only as body parts he would like to grope every now and then,

No, it wasn't a fairy tale;

The moments I spent with him weren't cherishable at all,

But a phase I would like to erase from my life,

No, it wasn't a fairy tale;

I lost my confidence, my self-respect,

I lost myself,

No, it wasn't a fairy tale;

But a year later, fate was on my side,

When he died in an accident,

Maybe it was the end of this living hell;

At his funeral, I didn't even cry,

Because there was no regret, no pain,

Maybe it was the end of this living hell;

I was then set free, I followed my dreams,

Became my own master, my own hero,

Life then turned into a fairy tale;

Where I was my own Prince, my own strength, and my own source of happiness...

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