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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Snigdha Sinha

Horror Tragedy Crime


Snigdha Sinha

Horror Tragedy Crime

Another Nirbhaya Another Woman

Another Nirbhaya Another Woman

1 min

Another victim 

Another woman

The same shameful crime

Time and again

The agonizing scream 

The uncontrollable tears

The muted voice

That no one could hear

Her vagina bled

Her soul wept

Her throat wailed for aid 

But no one helped

It was painful 

She couldn't take it anymore

She tried hard to escape 

But they were four

The unwanted touch

The irreparable damage

That traumatized her

And left her in rage

It wasn't her fault

It wasn't her fate

It's not a woman 

Who is always to be blamed?

Get them punished 

She prayed to thee

But very soon

The criminals were set free

She demanded justice 

Standing right there

But the contemptible politicians

Just didn't care

And once again

An innocent suffered

And once again

A woman's dignity was murdered

Her scars can't heal

For her dignity, she mourns

Her mind is always preoccupied

With these concerns

Her voice was suppressed

Callousness grew

Today it was her

Tomorrow it can be you

Today you are infuriated

Tomorrow you'll move on 

But emotional damage caused to the victim cannot be undone

I loathe these politicians

I disagree with these laws

They don't bring justice

They've so many flaws

Speak up now

Don't be naive

In this country

No woman is safe

Shame on the parents who can't bring up their children correctly

Shame on those who protect therapists in this country

Shame on the Indian Judiciary!

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