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Vanya Tentiwala



Vanya Tentiwala


The Feeling Of Getting Lost In A Book

The Feeling Of Getting Lost In A Book

1 min

Let's open up a book and walk into another person's mind,

leaving all the sorrow and misery behind.

Lets live those words written in the book,

and finally get off the hook!

There are numerous mysteries to unfold,

prior to the little secrets are told.

Dreaming during the heavy storms of thunder,

also with Alice unfolding the wonders.

Feeling transparent in those words of the 'Invisible Man',

henceforth sensing a determined person who believes, YES I CAN!

Get lost in the heterogeneousness of the world they're painting,

But wait, for the painting to be finished we humans are waiting?

It seems like all the thoughts on tip of our tongue yet unsaid,

it seems like an autumn tree from which those dry leaves shed.

Getting lost in a book is like sitting in a hot tub and then jumping into a pool of freezing water,

looking at the making of those beautiful creatures by the potter.

To get lost in a book is not only unfolding the facts that are still covered,

but to get lost in a book is simply to find yourself in world yet discovered!

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