Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!
Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Anshika Singh

Romance Tragedy Classics


Anshika Singh

Romance Tragedy Classics

What To Do To Make You Mine

What To Do To Make You Mine

2 mins

Not all roses are red,

And do violets have to be blue?

I m gonna tell you again

I m really falling for you.

Maybe it's destiny crawling me to you

Maybe your fate is swirling with you

I love your pretty eyes 

Which can't tell lies

When you look at someone else with affection

My mind starts asking a hilarious question

That little mouth of yours sure has some arrogance

But that broken heart is dripping with elegance

Don't fall for me, you say

With that gentle voice, you cruelly push me away

But what shall I do with my crazy heart?

Will you believe me only when I'll cut it apart?

Just tell me what you prefer, 

Do you want me kind and cute? 

Or do you want me bossy and rude? 

I can be cheerful and can also be mute. 

Tell me what is your heart's rent? 

What can give you a romantic scent? 

A sweet feeling, sweeter than any candy in this world

Tell me if you like my hair straight or curl. 

Do you want to see me in Goth or with pearl?

What should I do to take your heart?

What could possibly make it restart?

You say you made three wrong choice

Are you still haunted by their voice?

Do you think you were pathetic?

No, you weren't sweetie, you were just in love.

You loved them to the point of taking anaesthetic 

Are you scared of that heartache again?

Are they the reason that you cry in rain?

I m proud to be innocent and pure

Maybe my care is your cure

I m not stupid nor I m immature

I just hate the world of adults which makes me insecure

We have the same ambition and goals

We still have a glimpse of hope

Our path will be filled with Strom and stones 

But who knows if it can work out?

We aren't God so we can't fight with fate

But without trying we can only regret it.

I don't have the audacity to distract you everywhere

But can't you give me your love in your free time? 

Please trust yourself and bring your hidden innocence out 

Your past was never pathetic so let your youth sprout

Our world insults and laughs at a man's tragedy 

Don't let this world change yourself and your morality. 

We are opposite, you say

Does it mean we will be drawn away?

Will I be your just friend and nothing more? 

Will your heart ever gonna ask you to make me yours? 

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