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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Annesha Bose

Drama Tragedy Children


Annesha Bose

Drama Tragedy Children



1 min

When will we go to school? 

College and school buildings are tired of being empty like a fool. 

An immortal pain, 

The mortality of the mental health will gain.

Erasers sacrifice their lives for our mistakes. 

The busy efflux of the earlier lifestyle and gave us plenty of never ending breaks. 

Our nerves engorged with rage. 

Everyday in a hope of getting out of our cage. 

The blackboard on the walls of school and college buildings are waiting for us to doodle on its surface. 

The chalk, table, canteen and the corridor awaited for the resumption of the paused pace. 

The supremacy of the virus is no more tolerable. 

But we have no chance of neglecting the precautions until the situation is pretty stable. 

A blore of the man-made virus made our lives fall apart. 

This shows our weak lifestyles we live and our very old sustainable heart. 

The current situation seems like it's reigned by fear. 

God will definitely pay us our arrear. 

It needs some time for the lifestyle to array. 

We all are eagerly waiting for that very new day....

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