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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Kate Eddy



Kate Eddy


You know who you are

You know who you are

1 min

For so long you'd always have your say,

As there was always something you'd wish to convey,

No matter the subject one thing I'd always see,

Ultimately with you, we had to agree. 

Lately, it seems you've always set the tone,

While making each conversation your own,

It didn't matter what others thought or said,

So you stuck to your own opinions instead. 

You're not wrong with all you may show

Yet you can't seem to let certain things go,

Yes, there are things that shouldn't be,

And yes it's irritating when others do not see.

Have you tried to understand the position they're in?

If not that's where you should begin,

Even if certain things spin out of control,

Even if in the end it takes its toll-

Try to see their point of view,

After all, they're doing all they are aware they can do,

It's easy to be critical of those in command,

But they're often in situations we can't always comprehend.

I hope that my words aren't in vain,

Please consider this before you complain,

Until you experience what they do every day,

Frankly, you really don't have a say.

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