kainat falak



kainat falak


18th Birthday

18th Birthday

1 min

It's my 18th birthday

When it's your birthday you feel more special but it's your 18 

On my 18th everyone forget literally everyone 


It hurt but sometimes it's okayyy to hurt 

Yes nobody wish me at 12 

Maria api( best czn) did msg me on WhatsApp a simple msg but that make me happy 

Iqra Nimra(sisters) don't remember to wish 

Even Isra( my best friend) didn't wished me 

Cuz of papers (# board exam ongoing)

Malaika also forgot

After iqra Nimra come from uni they bought me a cake 

My gift

And all

I did chat with aniza Maria api 

A long call with Malika Isra ...(in which malaika didn't talk much cuz she was busy)

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