Insane Kracker

Inspirational Others


Insane Kracker

Inspirational Others

A Journey To A Centered Heart

A Journey To A Centered Heart

3 mins

Today all I want to do is write. Something is being stirred in my spirit that must get out. The weights I carry are beginning to make me mentally tough. Maybe I should take meds. Well,? What if my so called disability was for a purpose. What if I m learning more an becoming stronger as I strive more an more for self control through finding some disciplines.

  Guard your heart above all else for out of it flows the issues of life. That right there is a discipline that takes tremendous effort. I must realize I have a part to play in this world. The issues I face are a direct result off me either guarding or leaving it unguarded.

  What is the value of guarding? Is it only to keep thieves out? What about thieves that are so smart they steal time an time again an you may never see. Or do we believe we will not be deceived. Why would we guard anything we think is not gonna happen 

  We received everything we needed before we were even born. Christ died for us over 2 thousand years ago. Before we ever came he paid the price for us in hopes that all awaken to this reality

  Crist came to show how a eternal kingdom operates. With the first and greatest command he established what it's really about "Loving him an loving people" he goes on to say, " on it hangs all the law of the prophets" for prophets speak always of the redemptive work of Christ or reconciliation with God. Prophet will always in some way display this in their life. They usually speak answers to an through the heart. Love is my governing force. Love is the power given us before birth (it is our birth right). Recieve it an active the life to produce your intended or predestine purpose to be fulfilled. Realize by believing you are activated to recieve everything you need to succeed through this life an free to enter eternal life with a specific purpose now. That purpose is revealed Through loving God, then expressed in loving People.

  Love is the most value gift within to guard. Love is in essence accepting the grace to live an offering the same in return to those around. So don't be deceived love is the most targeted thing the enemy will target. Thus all the more I implore the task to guard this the most. No matter whatever I go through I can always chose to love still. Loving is easy when all is good. Yet a deeper authentic love comes with the hard effort to love even the unlovable. That is why our feelings try to get in the way so much I believe. So learning to guard love is to recognize I can never trust feelings to guide me or bring me lasting peace.

   Love will always bring an increase of value to life. Life is meant to be a continual increase in growth. Which is opposite of perishing or a wasting away. Love is powerfully oppressed and cut down often times by acting out of feelings. On the other hand is strengthened by deliberate action or a conscious effort. One trait I dare to say you will see in anyone who walks I love is, They are aware of the power of words an consider how the speak. Scripture states," out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. " Love will give you more consideration an choice on what you say, so chose to speak what is good an edifies.  

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